Robin Nielsen

Chief Wellness Officer at Insulite Health, LLC
Robin is an Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She comes to Insulite Health with a passion for helping women live vibrant, passionate lives. Robin had her own struggles with health. As a teenager she suffered from digestive disorders, weight, acne and hypoglycemia. As an adult she continued to struggle with balancing blood sugar, adult acne, mood swings, weight gain, arthritic conditions in her hands and chronic inflammation. Robin understands first hand how symptoms of poor health can keep us from living the life we dreamed of.
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Robin Nielsen

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Best PCOS Diet: Should I Limit Carbs?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is often caused by Insulin Resistance (IR). IR occurs when the body’s cells do not respond to insulin, resulting in a spike in blood sugar and a hormonal imbalance.1 To fight the effects of IR and PCOS, which include a long list of both physically and emotionally distressing symptoms, women […]

What Hormones are Imbalanced in PCOS?

Diagnosing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is not a completely straightforward task. Because there is no one test that can detect the presence of this condition, healthcare professionals must often rule out other, more testable disorders before making a diagnosis.1 Most notably, they will look for cystic ovaries and a hormonal imbalance.

What Is the LH/FSH Ratio and Why Does it Matter in PCOS?

A hallmark of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a hormonal imbalance resulting from excess androgen levels, or increased amounts of male hormones. When this happens, an unusually high amount of testosterone and other male hormones is present. But does this imbalance also affect the levels of female hormones, such as Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle […]

What Are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts?

A hallmark of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, cystic ovaries occur when pockets, often filled with fluid, develop on the outside of an ovary.1 One of many PCOS symptoms, ovarian cysts are not always experienced by women who have this condition; however, they are common. Often a result of Insulin Resistance, PCOS is associated with […]

PCOS Strategies: Will I Lose Weight with Metformin?

Weight loss is important for women who are fighting Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, because excess weight can cause complications that make this condition worse.1 This disorder is often accompanied by Insulin Resistance, which can lead to weight gain because it causes excess blood sugar and insulin to float through the bloodstream.1 Therefore, PCOS weight […]

What Is the Connection Between PCOS, Insulin Resistance, and Sex Hormones?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, Insulin Resistance (IR), and sex hormones all share a complex relationship that, to date, modern medicine has yet to completely understand. At their most basic, they connect through the hormones of the body–and through an imbalance in these hormones that can lead to devastating symptoms.

Do Metformin’s Side Effects Outweigh Its Benefits?

Pharmaceuticals often present a variety of side effects that may counter their health benefits. For a majority of individuals, determining whether or not these side effects outweigh the benefits plays a large role in deciding whether or not to take the medication in question. Metformin is one of the most common PCOS drugs used to […]

What Don’t You Know About PCOS and the Effects of High Androgens?

The bodies of both men and women produce androgens, which are typically characterized as male sex hormones. The difference between men and women, hormonally, is that men generally have more androgens than women, whose bodies turn them into estrogen.1  Although the female reproductive system generally converts androgens into estrogen, some women experience high levels of […]

How Are Ovarian Cysts Treated?

Ovarian Cysts  are a common occurrence among women of reproductive age. There are several types of  Ovarian Cysts  — some are no cause for concern, while others create  ovary pain  and require treatment. Ironically, women with  PCOS  (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), or  PCOD  (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder), might not have the characteristic Polycystic Ovaries  for which this […]

PCOS: A Range of Treatments—Which Is Best?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also called PCOS, is a condition that cannot be cured by modern medicine; however, its symptoms can be managed and, in many cases, reversed. Frequently caused by Insulin Resistance, this condition can present with a diverse list of symptoms, among them being cystic ovaries.