Acne Treatment By Good & Natural Techniques

Left unchecked, acne can cause permanent scarring and discoloration. A dermatologist can write you a prescription for an oral antibiotic or topical cream, but you may have reservations about paying for expensive prescriptions or applying potentially harmful chemicals to your body. Fortunately, you may be able to conquer your acne using these safe, natural techniques.  

1) Cut Down on Facial Cleanser

Facial cleanser is supposed to reduce acne but can often have the reverse effect. Soaps and cleansers dry out skin, triggering extra oil production and fostering bacterial growth within the pores. Take measures to normalize skin oil production by reducing soap use. As a general rule, you should not apply soap to your face more than once daily. All other times, rinse with plain, cool water and gently pat dry.

2) Keep Hair Clean and Off the Face

Your scalp naturally produces oil to keep your hair moisturized. When too much oil from your hair gets on your face, your pores can become clogged. You may notice you break out more in areas where hair falls on your face. Keep your hair clean and pulled back from your face. This goes for nighttime as well; you may notice a reduction in acne if you sleep with your hair pulled back or in a wrap.

3) Exfoliate

Dead skin cells can also block your pores and make your skin look dull. For brighter skin and healthier pores, use a gentle exfoliating cleanser at least once a week.

4) Sleep More

The term “beauty sleep” was coined for a reason. Getting more sleep results in better skin and a more even complexion. Sleeping at least eight hours a night dramatically reduces stress and bolsters the immune system, making it much easier for your skin to fend off acne infections. Make sleep a priority.

5) Drink More

Hydrated skin is healthy skin. If you’re breaking out, it may be your skin’s way of warning you that you’re dehydrated. Drink at least two liters of water daily, and more if you live in a hot climate. Proper hydration results in an overall healthier body and healthier skin. There’s an added bonus: well hydrated skin often appears to “glow.” Drink more, and you’ll look years younger!

6) Apply Organic Apple Cider Vinegar as a Toner

Organic apple cider vinegar is an inexpensive and safe method of clearing up established acne infections and maintaining clear skin. Dilute organic apple cider vinegar in water for a daily toner. The astringent quality of the vinegar keeps blackheads at bay, and the acid makes it difficult for acne bacteria to colonize skin pores. Additionally, the acid neutralizes basic soap residue, further helping to clarify your skin. Undiluted, organic apple cider vinegar provides excellent spot treatment, drastically reducing acne size and redness in a matter of hours.

Best Natural Skin Care Practices

Beautiful skin doesn’t need to cost a fortune or involve side-effect-causing drugs. Skin is the largest organ in the human body and needs proper care to remain healthy and look its best. If you’re hesitant to try pharmaceutical solutions or have found them ineffective, try these natural methods to clear up acne and improve skin tone.


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6. October 2015
6. October 2015
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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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