Top LASIK Misconceptions: Part One

LASIK laser eye surgery is an incredibly popular treatment for correcting vision in adults and has been performed on more than fifty million patients to date. Of those fifty million patients 98% achieve 20/20 vision, or even better than 20/20 in some cases. With so many people trying LASIK it has become the most studied eye procedure in the world, and despite the data many people have reservations about the procedure. Common misconceptions about LASIK are ranging, but often unfounded. For those who believe astigmatism is preventative to having LASIK performed, they would be happy to learn that LASIK can be in fact performed on patients with astigmatism, and it can in many cases even help correct or reduce the effects of astigmatism. Some naysayers believe that their vision might be so poor or their impairment is so severe that they cannot be corrected by LASIK, but this thought is also untrue as improvement can be found from LASIK for all degrees of impaired vision. Another misconception is that the effects from LASIK may not last a lifetime and this again is untrue. While the eye will naturally age, the correction from LASIK will last the life of the eye. Lastly LASIK has been associated with an increase in night glare when patients were driving, but the risk associated with night glare and LASIK has now diminished.

Key Points:

  • 1One common misconception is that astigmatism sufferers can not benefit from LASIK, when in fact LASIK can rectify astigmatism.
  • 2LASIK can treat severe degrees of correction, as well as being well suited to both farsighted and nearsighted individuals.
  • 3Night glare, once considered a problem with LASIK, is now of minimal concern, as the technology is now more advanced.

LASIK lasts a lifetime, but it cannot stop the natural aging of the eye. LASIK essentially makes you see like a normally sighted person.

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