How Does A Glass Of Wine Keep Your Heart Healthy?

A human’s circulatory system is made of arteries, capillaries, veins, blood vessels, and the heart. They are all responsible for regulating the blood flow in your body. Hence, we need to make sure that we keep these body elements healthy to ward off diseases.

The heart serves as the primary regulator of the body’s blood flow. It controls and pumps the right amount of blood needed by our body for us to work effectively. It is why we need to keep our heart healthy to make sure that we do not suffer any irregularities. The heart’s health should come as our main priority when it comes to taking care of our overall wellness because it can affect our daily productivity.

There are things we can do to keep our heart healthy. We can spend around 20 minutes exercising every day to maintain physical fitness. We should also watch out   the foods we are going to eat because unhealthy ones can affect the health of our heart in the long run. We should also keep away from vices such as smoking and drinking hard alcoholic beverages which can weaken our circulatory system.

One of the most effortless ways of maintaining our heart’s health is drinking wines such as cabernet. Wines are generally categorized as alcoholic drinks. But, unlike any other types of alcoholic beverages, wines came mostly from grapes and other natural ingredients. Many medical experts also recommend drinking one or two glasses every day for excellent health.

In this article, we’d like to lay out some proven reasons why earning a glass of wine is right for your circulatory system. It will help you understand why you need to drink   a glass of wine today. Read below to get you started.


Wines Manage Blood Pressure

Wines contain antioxidants called polyphenols. It is an essential ingredient which medical experts found as significant in lowering the blood pressure. Some health professionals would advise that drinking one or two glasses of red wine every day can promote a healthy blood circulation allowing the arteries to stay firm.

Each wine label also contains polyphenols which keep arteries active for efficient blood flow. It reduces the clogs that the arteries can get so make sure that the blood passes every organ freely. Make sure that you only drink the recommended amount of glass which is up to two glasses per day.


Increases HDL (Healthy Cholesterol)


Cholesterol is referred to as the fat found in the blood. It is derived from many forms. It may come as naturally produced by the body. You can also acquire cholesterol from the food you eat. There are two types of cholesterol found in the body. They are classified as LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol).

HDL is essential to keep one’s heart healthy and intact. Resveratrol is a natural ingredient in wine that helps the body reduce LDL and increase the production of HDL. Drinking a glass of wine every day helps our body maintain an excellent HDL count. It is suitable for your heart and responsible for taking away harmful heart diseases.


Lessens Blood Clot Formation


Blood clot refers to a formation of the blood brought by fibrin and platelets, which stops any bleeding. It also helps in repairing any damage acquired by a vein, artery, or blood vessel. It is helpful to one’s body. However, when it becomes dangerous when it gets triggered. It may cause several diseases and lead to death in some worst cases.

Bear in mind that many unhealthy factors bring inappropriate production of blood clots. Smoking, drinking too many alcoholic beverages, etc. are some key factors that trigger improper production of blood clots. Drinking modest wines every day helps in avoiding blood clot production, especially at heart. The polyphenol and resveratrol in wine work together in making sure that blood clots do not grow out of place inside our body.


Improves Heart Cell Layers


The heart is composed of cell layers that protect the most sensitive part. They need to stand strong and firm to hold a fast-moving blood pump that our heart does every minute. These cell layers must get away with any damage so the heart can freely produce the right amount of blood to circulate in our body.

The natural ingredients found in wine are beneficial because they keep the heart cell layers healthy. It also thickens the blood vessels that primarily carries the blood inside your heart so it can move freely towards other organs. We must maintain moderate drinking wine every day to get the right heart function that our body needs.


Bear in mind that if our heart weakens as we age. The most realistic and effortless way of making sure that we keep it healthy is to drink one or two glasses of wine every day. It is also essential that you seek advice from your health advisors to know the right dosage of wine you need to earn every day.


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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

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