Professional Doctor’s Advice To Stay Healthy For A Longer Life

Unlike what most new year’s resolutions suggest, leading a healthy life doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a gradual process with a learning curve. Moving to a healthier happier life requires a gradual transformation with smaller decisions that you need to stick to every day. This might feel overwhelming at first; it’s totally normal to feel confused when most of the healthy habits are counterintuitive due to the nature of our modern world. If you want to “slow down” your biological aging clock, then you will need to start educating yourself on the most important healthy habits that you should be following in order to live a longer and happier life.  


Here are some of the most important professional doctors’ advice and tips on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and a list of the changes that you should be making:


Regular Check-Ups  

Most of us read about people who are fighting serious conditions and think that this will never happen to them. If you want to start living a healthier life, then you need to change this mindset. Regular checkups are essential to check your current medical problems, calculate the risk for future diseases, learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and to update vaccinations. Doctors at suggest that you should never ignore any changes in your physical health. You need to seek medical help, get answers to any health question you might have, and to never ignore any of your symptoms regardless of how minor they are.


Essential Health Tips

Before you start switching to a healthier life or consider making any lifestyle changes, you need to make sure of the basics. These are some health tips that make a lot of sense and should be followed if you want to live longer:  

  • If you drink alcohol, make sure that you only drink one glass per day and to have at least two days without any alcoholic beverages.  
  • Make sure to maintain your dental health by brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. Minimizing your sugar intake is also essential to avoid tooth decay, gum disease, and the loss of teeth.  
  • Do regular physical activities for at least 30 minutes a day. You can go walking, jogging, or even dancing. The type of physical workout isn’t important as long as you are consistent.  
  • If you are a smoker, then you need to quit to avoid certain types of cancers, breathing problems, and to reduce the risk of many serious conditions such as heart disease, attacks, and strokes, or lung problems.  


Healthy Eating Habits  

Eating healthy isn’t about strict diets and restrictions. It’s more about healthy eating habits that you should follow for life. The first rule to be able to be healthy and lose weight is adopting healthy eating habits as a lifestyle; they are not just for a certain timeframe.   Make sure that you are getting all the vitamins, protein, and healthy fats your body needs. Your meals should only consist of vegetables, fruits, whole-grain foods, omega-acids, and protein. Avoid all processed junk food and empty calories that have minimum nutrients and lots of unhealthy fats. You can calculate your body mass index (BMI) to make sure that you are within the normal weight range.  

Reduce Stress And Drink Water  

While you might be tired from hearing these two tips over and over again, they are essential if you want to lead a healthy life. Some people think that stressing themselves out only affects them momentarily, but stress can affect your mental and physical health badly in the long run. To avoid stress, you need to do a job that you love or learn how to love it, and you need to learn the art of letting go. Some people find that meditation and yoga can help greatly in reducing your stress level and sleeping better at night. When you feel angry and stressed, stop for a second and ask yourself if the situation is worth the cortisol. When you are angry or stressed, this hormone tends to rise. If this is repeated constantly, it will have serious effects on your heart health, metabolism, and immune system. That’s why it’s known that anxious or depressed people tend to get sick more often than others.  

Drinking water is also an important tip that many people underestimate. But drinking your 8 cups, or the right intake according to your BMI, of water per day can do wonders for your health. You will notice great improvements in your skin, weight, and physical activity levels. Drinking enough water is also associated with relieving pains for people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and other stomach issues.    


Reduce Salt And Sugar  

You should only get your sugar from your fruits. Other than that, it’s not preferable that you use artificial sugar. Sugar is addictive and so are sugary drinks and foods. An occasional treat wouldn’t hurt, yet it’s better replaced with natural organic fruits. Avoiding salt is also essential for your heart health. High salt intake can lead to high blood pressure which consequently increases the risk for cardiovascular disease. Start reducing your salt intake by buying products that have lower sodium content. When you are cooking, you can replace salt with different spices that will add flavor to your foods as well as increase your metabolism. It’s also better to leave the habit of placing salt at the table behind.  


Radical lifestyle changes might be inspiring and effective in reducing your risk of many conditions; however, you need to understand that small changes matter, too. Don’t overwhelm yourself suddenly with all the resolutions you have been wanting to do in just one day or a week. Take smaller steps every day and you will realize that leading a healthier lifestyle is easier than you thought. Start with the basics such as healthy eating habits, quitting smoking, minimizing alcoholic intake, and taking care of your dental health. Regular checkups are essential. You should never ignore any random symptom that is affecting your life’s quality. Instead, make sure to seek professional advice and help when they are needed.


HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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