Student loans, a word familiar to most of us who went to college, and even more familiar to those of us who attended and completed post-college education. Many of us also take decades to eventually pay those loans down, but Logan Marston, a 27-year old from Durham, NC, was able to use his love of numbers to pay down $73k+ worth of student loans in just 3.5 years. He says his overall strategy was rather straightforward, to live humbly, minimize expenses, and use extra cash to pay down his debt. He also took advantage of small interest rate reductions offered by his loan servicers. Lastly, he paid down his debts in order, from the loans with the highest interest first. He also reported that he wanted to pay down his debt quickly because he also wanted to save as much money as possible on interest. When he first started repayment, Mr. Marston was accruing over $300 in interest each month, which he said put him into panic mode. In the following years, he used 90% of his discretionary income toward paying down his loans. Not only was this challenging to be this aggressive, but Mr. Marston has no regrets doing so, and that this endeavor paid off well (he did save $16k+ in interest payments!) Best yet, it’s a strategy that most of us can adopt.
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Key Points:
- 1By reducing expenses and focusing any additional money to paying off loan you can greatly reduce time in debt.
- 2Normal repayment plans are designed to maximize interest gains to creditors and not for you to get out of debt quickly.
- 3Always pay off the loan with the highest interest rate when you can make a paymen.