Plan for Weight Loss

Our Plan for Weight Loss articles on – Find the right Weight Loss Plan for you!

What “Light” Really Means

Isn’t it amazing how our vocabulary has expanded just by walking down the aisle of our local supermarket? Here’s a sampling of what we find on the shelf these days (talk about a baggage of esoteric terms!). – Fat-Free – Calorie-Free – Cholesterol-Free – Saturated Fat-Free – Low-Fat – Low-Calorie – Low-Cholesterol – Low-Saturated Fat

Fiber – What It Is and What It Does

Fiber — If there was one element of our diets that we would ‘wish away’ it might be fiber. Fiber is what is left over after our bodies have squeezed every bit of nutritive value from the foods we eat. Don’t discount fiber, however. It is a very important part of a healthy diet.

What is an Antioxidant?

Everywhere you look anymore you see the word antioxidant. It is even on cereal boxes in my grocery store. It is supposedly good for me, but what exactly is it? An oxidant is a free radical (sounds pretty wild). A free radical or oxidant is produced when cells in the body burn oxygen to produce […]

Understanding Calories and Weight

A calorie is a unit of energy. Scientifically a calorie is the amount of energy or heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. But for this article let’s just think of calories as units of energy.

The New Food Pyramid?

No one has yet come up with a definite answer to how many people were needed to build the Egyptian pyramids.   Historians and Egyptologists say the number is close to 100,000; while others believe that the more realistic number is 20,000.   Whoever is closer to the truth — 100,000 versus 20,000 — massive […]

Exercising In Your Home

Most of us say the same thing when faced with the need to exercise: “we don’t have the time!”. Oddly, however, we seldom hear ourselves (or each other) saying “we don’t have enough space!”. However, this complaint is indeed just as legitimate as the first excuse — er, we mean reason — because, after all, […]

Easy, Tasty, Healthy Snacks

You”ve no doubt heard the advice that it”s better to eat tiny portions of food frequently during the day, than it is to eat three (or more?) large meals.   Indeed, this is good advice!   Eating throughout the day is good for the metabolism, and just as importantly, because you aren”t ravenous, you can […]

Alternative Cardio Workouts

Health professionals recommend that we engage in cardio activity 3 to 5 days per week to provide the resistance our heart needs to maintain optimum cardiovascular fitness. A good cardio workout requires that you reach your target heart rate, which can be calculated by subtracting your age from 220. While tread mills, elliptical machines…