When life gets busy and tense, that’s when we need sleep the most so we can stay at our best and handle what we need to. Unfortunately, that’s often when the anxiety and tension starts to overwhelm, and it can manifest in problems with sleep. That keeps us up tossing and turning, and can turn into a negative feedback cycle that sees the problem worsening even while we struggle to get back to square one.
Some forms of insomnia, especially temporary insomnia, are triggered or exacerbated by anxiety. To combat the damage it can do to your ability to get the rest you need, start with mental exercises. Work on relaxing and finding ways to wind down and turn off at the end of the day; shedding concerns and tension so you can drift off and start fresh tomorrow. It can take work, but if it’s not tackled you will find yourself caught in that downward spiral.
Some simple tricks can help the mental letting go. Ensure your bedroom and bed are comfortable and maintained to your preferences. Eliminate noise or temperature variations that will distract you. Establish a bedtime habit that soothes, such as a calming bath or a relaxing hobby of some sort. Once you’re well rested, you’re better prepared to tackle your concerns; and get past them.
Use these sleep strategies to keep yourself rested and healthy; avoid the sleepless traps. #HealthStatus
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Key Points:
- 1Waking at night with an inability to fall back asleep due to worry or stress is referred to as “maintenance insomnia.”
- 2Setting aside time to ‘worry’ during the day can lead to an easier time falling asleep and staying asleep.
- 3Finding ways to wind down at the end of the evening, prior to heading to bed, is crucial to a restful nights sleep.