Key Ways To Help Minimize Snoring

Sleep is an important building block to achieve optimal health and wellness. When you sleep, your body replenishes its lost energy and repairs damaged muscles and tissues. However, it’ll be very challenging for you to rest well at night if you are always snoring.  

Snoring is often caused by several factors, namely blocked nasal airways, poor muscle tone in your tongue and throat, and bulky throat tissue. When left untreated, snoring can become the reason why you will frequently wake up in the middle of the night and lose sleep. Snoring can also strain your cardiovascular health, causing your blood pressure to rise excessively.

Steer away from this direction by implementing these tips for you to finally minimize snoring:



1.   Sleep On Your Side


Your sleeping position can affect your breathing and risk to snore. Sleeping on your back, for example, can actually cause your tongue to move to the back of your throat and block the airflow of your throat, causing you to snore loudly.  

One of the easiest ways to minimize snoring is to practice sleeping on your side. This sleeping position will allow air from your throat to flow easily and prevent you from snoring.  

If you have been used to sleeping on your back for years, consider investing in new beddings that will make it easy for you to sleep on your side. For example, an anti-snoring mattress can support the pressure points of your body, making it very easy for you to change your sleeping position.    



2.   Maintain A Healthy Weight


Being overweight or obese is another factor that can cause snoring because excessive weight around your neck and throat can constrict the airflow of your body. The heavier you are, the more challenging it’ll be for your body to maintain healthy airflow during your sleep.  

You can prevent this from happening by maintaining a healthy weight. Stick to a healthier diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, and minimize sugar intake. Pay attention to your portion sizes and always drink at least eight glasses of water every day as well.  

Aside from your eating habits, regular exercise is also vital for you to maintain a healthy weight. Regardless of how busy you are during the day, you should find the time to move and sweat. You can walk around your neighborhood early in the morning, take the stairs at your office, or take your dog for an evening stroll.



3.   Use An External Nasal Dilator Or Nasal Strips


Gone are the days when you only have to treat your snoring problems on your own. Today, more and more products are introduced to the general public to help solve this common health problem.  

For people who have been dealing with snoring for long periods, using an external nasal dilator and nasal strips can be a godsend. An external nasal dilator can decrease airflow resistance, allowing you to breathe with ease. You just need to apply the product on top of your nose, across your nostrils.  

Nasal strips, on the other hand, work by increasing the space in your nasal passage so you can breathe more easily. You just have to place the nasal strips on the bridge of your nose to experience its benefits.  



4.   Treat Chronic Allergies


Aside from being inconvenient and, oftentimes, painful, are you aware that your allergies can also cause you to snore every night?   Chronic allergies can usually cause inflammation in your throat and reduce the airflow through your nose. When this happens, you will be forced to breathe through your mouth and produce snores.  

If you don’t want your chronic allergies to cause excessive snoring, invest in oral pills, dissolvable tablets, and nasal sprays. Liquids and eye drops can also work well in treating chronic allergies.



5.   Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol Before Going To Bed


Alcohol can have several health benefits for the body. Drinking alcohol moderately can reduce your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and ischemic stroke. However, if you want to experience the health benefits of alcohol, it’s important to pay attention to the amount that you consume because going overboard can also affect your sleep.  

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol can over-relax your throat muscles and cause you to snore. Avoid drinking alcohol at least three hours before your bedtime so you can prevent this from happening.  



6.   Drink More Water


Your body is made up of 60% of water, which is why it’s essential that you consume at least eight glasses of water to retain your bodily functions. The amount of water you consume regularly can also affect your snoring. Dehydration can form mucus in your nose and throat, making it very hard for you to breathe properly. This can become the reason why you will start snoring.  

To ensure that this doesn’t happen, increase your regular water intake. For men, it’s best if you drink at least 3.7 liters of water every day and about 2.7 liters for women. Proper hydration can retain the natural fluids in your body and help you breathe properly.  



7.   Cut Down On Inflammatory Food


Changing your diet and making healthier choices can also help you minimize snoring. Examine your diet and assess if you are currently eating foods that can cause the tissues in your throat and nose to become inflamed. Gluten and dairy are two of the most common foods that can cause inflammation and, eventually, snoring.  

You don’t have to totally cut out gluten and dairy from your diet. You just have to control the frequency and amount of your intake. For example, if you’re accustomed to drinking milk every day, consider drinking it every other day and, then, swap some days for tea.  


Talk To An Expert

If you see yourself struggling to get at least eight hours of sleep every night after making changes to your routine and lifestyle, consult a medical professional right away. Excessive snoring can also be caused by underlying health conditions that can worsen over time.  

By talking to a doctor early, these health conditions can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible so you can finally enjoy a good night’s sleep without snoring!  



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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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