West Nile Virus: Staying Safe in the Outdoors

The West Nile virus is passed from animal to people through mosquitoes. Cases have been reported all across the United States. Learn how to protect yourself from getting infected this summer.

Summer is a time for camping, hiking and having fun outdoors. While we love to feel the sun on our face and experience Mother Nature, it is not always kind back to us. It has been a while since we first began hearing about the West Nile virus. The initial panic surrounding new conditions is over, but the exposure threat is still out there.

Here are a few facts about the condition. One, the West Nile virus is not passed from human to human or human to animal directly. So, if a person has been diagnosed with it, they can”t affect you unless you are bitten by the same mosquito that bit them.

Also, the condition is not normally fatal. You will feel bad much like you have the flu in some cases, but the symptoms can be treated. Some people might not know that they even had this virus to begin with.

In rare cases, exposure can lead to more serious symptoms. Older people or those who are immune-compromised are at risk for complications if bitten by an infected mosquito.

Protecting Yourself

Whether your risk is great or small, it doesn”t hurt to protect yourself by taking a few preventative measures.

* Wear long pants and/or socks in the woods — Light-colored breathable fabrics can keep you cool in the warm months. When hiking, camping or bike riding they can also cover any exposed skin to reduce the number of places that a mosquito has to feed on you. They will hit your clothing first, giving you time to swat them before they bite you.

* Wear mosquito repellent — There are several different kinds on the market. This includes wet sprays, dry sprays and even insect repellent lotions. Whatever fits the bill for your activity, use it. Be sure that the repellent contains DEET for greater potency. Don”t forget to reapply as needed for the time you will be spending outdoors.

* Avoid standing water — Whether around your home or in the woods, stagnant water can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Try to wait until it is drier instead of hiking or exploring the woods after a heavy rain.

* Use mosquito netting for kids — If you live near or in the woods, mosquito netting over playpens can protect kids from exposure when outdoors. Netted tents or gazebos can protect everyone who is spending time outdoors.

West Nile virus is not usually fatal but you can become sick if bitten by an infected mosquito. To enjoy your time outdoors this summer, take a few preventative measures to stay safe.


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Written by HealthStatus Team
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our blood alcohol, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years. Our team of health professionals, and researchers use peer reviewed studies as source elements in our articles. Our high quality content has been featured in a number of leading websites, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, Live Strong, GQ, and many more.

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