Health Benefits of Oats: The Unlikely Superfood You Should Be Eating

Everyone with an Instagram account has seen pictures of perfect breakfast bowls of oatmeal. While most people eat oats as oatmeal, there are so many other uses for oats. Oats have so many nutritional benefits because they are food high in dietary fiber, including lowering cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar and have cancer-fighting power as well.

Oats contain a specific type of fiber – beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is what lowers the blood’s bad cholesterol level. This means a healthier heart and less change of having atherosclerosis.

Dietary fiber is crucial to having a healthy body. According to an NIH study in 2011, maintaining a diet high in dietary fiber over 9 years lowered the risk of dying from a chronic disease. The study showed that the amount of fiber is also crucial, as those participants with the highest fiber intake had a 22% lower mortality rate than those with the lowest consumption.

Fiber has so many amazing health benefits, including better gut health, lower cholesterol levels, stabilization of blood sugar levels and can also help with weight loss.

In addition to the fiber, oats contain a wealth of vitamins and nutrients, topping the charts with manganese, thiamine, phosphorus and magnesium. Despite their powerful punch of healthy offerings, they are relatively low in calories.

Oats truly are a superfood, as they offer a wide range of health benefits. From heart health, to aiding in digestion and gut health, blood pressure stabilization, providing health promoting antioxidants and even aiding in the prevention of certain cancers such as colorectal cancer, there are absolutely no drawbacks to this amazing grain.

If you do have a sensitivity to gluten; however, you want to avoid oats that aren’t labeled gluten free, as they are often cross-contaminated and could cause problems in those people. Look for the gluten free oat options that are widely available.

Oats are incredibly easy to add to your daily routine. The ratio for cooking in a pot on your stove is 1 part oats to 2 parts liquid. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat and stir until the oats are cooked and tender!

With nothing but benefits, including giving you a tasty breakfast option, oats are superfood and should be part of your regular diet.

Key Points:

  • 1The specific type of fiber that is found in oats is called beta-glucan. Beta-glucan has been shown to help lower the levels of bad cholesterol found in the blood.
  • 2Dietary fiber in any form is a crucial nutrient that we need an ample supply of in order to remain healthy and happy.
  • 3Oats are nutritionally dense and filling and aren’t going to cause you to exceed the calorie count you are aiming for.

Those who lay within the top percentile and consumed the highest amounts of fiber each day were found to have a 22% lower risk of death over the study’s 9-year duration than those who consumed the least amount of fiber.

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Dietary fiber is an easy way to boost your health outcomes; eat your oats to keep from feeling them
When thinking of superfoods it’s important to not overlook the importance of this breakfast staple.

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HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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