Accessing Aged Care – The Lifestyle Benefits of Assisted Living

With each passing year, we learn more, we are grateful for more, and we adopt new ways to care for ourselves and loved ones. Aged care is a natural progression that has benefits that will bring joy to the whole family. Assisted living is a popular aged care option for many families, as it caters to varying levels of required care. If you are exploring the best solution for you or your loved one who needs extra support, without sacrificing a lifestyle in the process, here are the benefits you can expect from assisted living.


Independence is something we hold dear at any age, but it becomes more valued as we enter the next phase of life. Assisted living provides the perfect balance of autonomy and care, without being limited to a ‘one size fits all’ approach to something so personal. At facilities like aged care in Hornsby residents play an active role in their lifestyle, how they spend their time, and to what extent they involve a carer in their day-to-day. It’s important to re-frame our ideas about aged care, and have family members playing an active role in the decision-making process.

Minimise maintenance

Home maintenance and life administration are important, but it’s not necessarily a task that you or your elderly loved one should have to worry about. Assisted living will minimise the need for residents to deal with maintenance and handy jobs if they so wish, without letting those important things slip or be missed. Enjoy spontaneous visits, social activities and anything that brings joy to you or your loved one’s life. The rest will take care of itself with assisted living options.

Greater social engagement

Beyond the practical benefits, is another reason to consider assisted living is social engagement. Residents who pursue assisted living will have carers who are qualified in health training, and also able to spend time them and build an authentic and respected friendship, which can be just as important as physical health.

Scale up or down

Assisted living will never lock you into a care structure. In fact, it is quite common that residents will scale up and down over the years. If you or your family member is hesitant in entering a care arrangement, you can start with one or two days a week to build the trust and then scale up or down accordingly.

Better cost efficiency

A decision as important as aged care should not be solely driven by price, but it still remains a key factor. Full time or residential care is an invaluable investment, but it won’t be right for all families. If you wanted to use assisted care in conjunction with family care, this could be a cost-efficient way to ensure your loved one gets the care they need without the financial impact.


~Aged care is a nuanced discussion, with so many options out there that could be right for you or your loved one. Assisted care is a popular road to take as it is an ideal middle ground that guarantees independence, while also offering home care and social engagement.


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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

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