Benefits Of Good Lifestyle Habits To Live A Longer Life

Many of us believe that having a long life is largely determined by genetics. However, we fail to understand that environmental factors and lifestyle are the keys on how to live longer. Having a healthy habit is any behavior that benefits the physical, mental and emotional health. These are the habits that would have an overall impact on your well-being and make you feel good.

You can start anytime, but it’s challenging to have consistency as it requires the right mindset. If you are willing to sacrifice to have better health, the impact would be rewarding. Regardless of your age, sex and physical ability you can always change your lifestyle for your own benefit. For you to understand better how it would impact your well-being, below are the benefits you can get from having good healthy habits.


Controls Weight

This is the most common benefit and probably the first one you can attain from having a healthy lifestyle. If you are conscious enough not to add one pound to the weighing scale, you can never go wrong with working out or simply being an active individual.

As mentioned above, you can start regardless of your physical ability. Exercising doesn’t mean lifting weights, jumping and running in the gym for several hours. You can start your activity gradually. Start by increasing the number of steps a day and aim to reach 10,000. You can also opt for brisk walk early in the morning and increase your intensity on the succeeding days. This is particularly advisable for someone who just had an illness or underwent surgery.

If you have an Ostomy, you can still do some workouts and exercise depending on the advice of your doctor. You can still go hiking, running, yoga and visit the gym, but just bear in mind to take things slowly. These activities are achievable and it is a great idea to check some highly rated Ostomy belts and wraps which are available online for those who have an active lifestyle. It will give you the comfort and security which would allow you to live your life and enjoy daily activities  

Aside from daily exercise, weight gain can be controlled by watching your daily food intake. Healthy diet is a part of having good lifestyle habits. Limit yourself with the daily desserts you have in mind such as ice cream, cakes, flavored drinks, cookies and chocolates. You can opt for fruits and veggies instead of having fast food or processed food products. Eat a balanced calorie diet and do not skip your breakfast. When you start the day with a healthy breakfast, you can avoid becoming overly hungry later, which could send you running to any fast food chain before lunch time.  


Improves Mood

Doing what’s right for your body would also benefit your mind. Physical activities stimulate the production of endorphins, which are brain chemicals that leave you feeling happier and relaxed. This is a perfect combat to stress from work or other environmental factors. Eating a healthy diet and consistency of your workouts can lead to a better physique. You would feel better in your appearance which can develop your confidence and self-esteem.

Aside from having a healthy diet and exercise, one way to have better mental health is to maintain social connections. Be with your friends, meet new people and don’t isolate yourself from others, especially if you’re living far away from your family. Be with someone who can make you smile and make you laugh like there’s no tomorrow. Engage with people who radiate positivity in life. Believe me, you can never go wrong with this!

Pursue your passion and do what you love to do. Having a busy life in the city or life at work, you must know the things that would refresh yourself. Whether it’s travelling and discovering new places, painting, dancing, photography, vlogging etc. as long as it will improve your mood and make you happy, do it! Happy people don’t just enjoy life, but can also live a longer life.


Avoid and Combat Diseases

This is one of the long term benefits of having healthy lifestyle habits. These help in preventing certain health conditions such as heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer and a lot more. While doing your regular exercise and proper food intake, it would improve smooth blood flow and promote balanced hormones.

When you eat nutritious food, you’re helping your body to have a strong immune system and fight diseases. Imagine the amount of money you can save from medicines and hospital bills, start contemplating now on your daily life habits!


Boost Energy

Because you eat the right food, have an active lifestyle and have the right mindset, definitely you will have the energy you need to accomplish your tasks on a daily basis! Eating healthy food, your body receives the fuel it needs to manage your energy level. Include whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables as well as low fat milk in your diet.

Regular exercise improves muscle strength and endurance which give you more energy as it helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. Another benefit of your regular exercise is promoting a better sleep. Good quality of sleep every night has a huge impact on your overall health. When you wake up after a good sleep, you will have the energy that you need to perform your daily tasks.


Breaking your bad habits are really challenging! However, if you have a   goal you want to achieve and aim to live longer, you can never go wrong with this decision. Healthy habits won’t happen overnight so be patient with yourself. Gradual changes will do. As long as you demonstrate consistency, you will see improvements along the way!


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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus teams with authors from organizations to share interesting ideas, products and new health information to our readers.

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