What’s The Difference Between CBD Isolate and CBD Oil?

Whether you’ve recently developed an interest in CBD oil or have been an enthusiast for a long time, chances are that you’ve come across the terms CBD isolate and full-spectrum CBD oil.

Naturally, you may have wondered what these terms mean. Well, CBD isolate is the pure form of CBD oil that only contains CBD. CBD isolate is void of any other chemicals or ingredients.

On the other hand, the term full-spectrum CBD oil refers to CBD oils that not only contain CBD but also have other ingredients such as terpenes and essential oils.

Is there a difference in the effects of CBD isolate compared to full-spectrum CBD? To answer this question, let’s take a closer look at CBD oil.


Understanding Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids are simply compounds contained inside the hemp plant or the marijuana plant. These two plants are varieties of the cannabis plant. Keep in mind that there are over 100 different known cannabinoids.

The two most popular cannabinoids are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The cannabinoids interact with our body’s endocannabinoid system. These include receptors that determine how our bodies react to different stimuli such as pain or stress.

CBD, for instance, interacts with the receptors and makes us feel relaxed and relived. On the other hand, THC is known to cause the “high” effect that’s associated with the use of marijuana. Therefore, unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive.

Now that we understand what cannabinoids are and how they affect our bodies, let’s discuss the entourage effect. When a cannabinoid is consumed together with other cannabinoids, the overall effect on the body is greater than if each cannabinoid were taken in isolation.

The entourage effect will also take place when the cannabinoid is taken together with other compounds in the cannabis plant, including terpenes–the major components in essential oils.


CBD from Marijuana or Hemp?  

Is there a difference between CBD from marijuana and CBD from hemp? The simple answer is that, at the molecular level, there’s no difference. CBD is CBD regardless of the source.

That said, the hemp plant contains very little amounts of THC. This means that CBD oil sourced from hemp will have little to no traces of THC.

On the other hand, the marijuana plant contains higher levels of THC. This means that the CBD oil derived from the marijuana plant may contain a higher amount of THC.  


Full-spectrum vs CBD Isolate

While there’s a third type of CBD called broad-spectrum CBD, we will focus more on the main differences between full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate.

The full-spectrum CBD contains all the compounds and chemicals that are contained in the hemp plant. When taking the full-spectrum CBD oil, your body will experience the entourage effect allowing it to take advantage of all the benefits of the CBD oil.

Full-spectrum CBD will, therefore, contain many ingredients such as terpenes, flavonoids, proteins, essential oils, vitamins, and minerals. When shopping for a full-spectrum CBD oil, you may notice that such ingredients are referred to as hemp oil extract.

The downside to this is that you may not be able to tell the amount of CBD in the product. It’s, therefore, important that you purchase a high-quality full-spectrum CBD oil that has the quantity of CBD oil clearly mentioned on the label.


CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is what the name implies. The product only contains cannabidiol. All other ingredients such as THC and terpenes are removed.

Because of this fact, CBD isolate doesn’t provide the entourage effect, see page. You may, therefore, not be able to enjoy the full benefits as you may with a full-spectrum CBD oil.

This explains why full-spectrum CBD oil is more expensive as compared to a CBD isolate.


Which the Best CBD Oil for You?  

When choosing the best CBD product, many people who are experienced with the use of CBD oil will tell you that you’re far better off with a full-spectrum CBD oil product. However, there are also several other factors that you need to consider. For instance, while most CBD oils will come in a liquid state, there are also other ways that you can consume CBD.

An example is edible products. Keep in mind however that such products will require the liver to break down the CBD oil. Therefore, the body may not absorb all the CBD.

You may also want to consider topicals. These are products that are applied to the skin and contain CBD oil. Keep in mind that CBD oil isn’t easily absorbed through the skin. If you choose a topical, you may need to pick one that has high amounts of CBD.

Then there’s the sublingual variety. This is where you place the CBD product under your tongue. It’ll then be absorbed through the blood vessels. Sublingual product options include tinctures, lozenges, and oils. Since there’s no breaking down of the CBD oil by the liver, the body absorbs more of the CBD.

The amount of CBD in the product is the final thing that you need to consider after determining your preferred method of use. When you start using CBD oil, it’s always a good idea to consume a small dose. This allows your body to get used to CBD. It also helps you determine the right dosage for your body.

Then as you get used to the CBD oil, you can increase the dosage.


Final Thoughts

The right type of CBD oil for you, between CBD isolates and full-spectrum CBD, depends on your personal preference. If you prefer to use the cannabinoid without all the other ingredients in the hemp plant, then you’ll be better off with a CBD isolate.

On the other hand, if you prefer enjoying many different benefits of using CBD oil, then the entourage effect will help your body take advantage of the minerals, proteins, vitamins, and essential oils contained in a full-spectrum CBD oil product. Just make sure that when you’re shopping for your CBD oil, you choose a high-quality product that clearly states the amount of CBD in it. Remember to consult your doctor for advice before you start using any CBD product.


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Written by HealthStatus Crew
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