9 Effective Ways To Maintain Healthy Hair

Approximately 30 million adult women in America were reported to experience hair loss and thinning. In fact, it was discovered that the  average person loses 50% of hair  before they start noticing hair loss. Hair is the crowning glory of a man or woman and just like the skin, it is a visual representation of our health. Thus, it helps specialists determine the possible conditions on the inside.

Regardless of texture, color, and style,  everyone wants to achieve healthy hair. To know more about treating your mane, here are nine effective ways to help you maintain healthy hair.


Maintaining A Proper Diet

Having a poor diet and the lack of certain minerals and vitamins in the body can result in hair loss, brittleness, and a weak scalp. That is why  eating the right kind of food  is an important factor in maintaining beautiful hair. Certain foods can help boost follicle growth and promote healthy hair. Adding protein, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids and other vitamins in your diet does not only keep your body healthy but also your hair.


Give The Scalp Some TLC

Hair is one of the first noticeable features of an individual. This is true for men and women. Beautiful and shiny hair leaves a good impression, which is why proper care treatments are important. For example,  hair relaxers use a special cream  that makes the mane easier to manage and straighten. It also reduces the curl by chemically altering the texture.

Most women who use this treatment have curly and frizzy hair. The result will vary depending on the relaxers used on different hair types, and it lasts for 6-8 weeks.


Brush Gently

Not only is brushing your hair regularly is important, but also the way you brush. After all,  too much brushing can damage the hair. Instead, brush the hair gently twice a day. Use the appropriate brush for your type to avoid excessive pulling and damage. It is not advisable to brush the hair while it is wet since it is when it is most vulnerable and prone to breaking.


Keep Styles Natural

It is important to keep your hair the way by going natural every other day or every weekend. It needs rest from everything it endures for it to recover. Whenever possible, it is advisable to dry the hair naturally. It is also important to keep it out of a tight headband and ponytails to avoid unnecessary pulling of hair. Be sure to give your locks a rest and avoid any unnecessary damage and hair pull.


Avoid the Heat

Heat exposure is another vital factor that damages the hair. Hot showers can damage your hair by making it dry and brittle. It also strips off natural protective oils that keep your hair healthy. Make sure to avoiding blowdryers, curling tools, and flat irons to help maintain moisture.


Trim It Regularly

Regular trimming is also good if you want to keep the length of your hair. This ensures that the strands remain healthy and don’t break off due to split ends. Not to mention, regular haircuts help encourage hair growth by getting rid of damaged, broken, or split ends.


Avoid Any Signs of Stress

Everyone is prone to hair loss due to a number of reasons, such as stress, aging, and a poor diet. However, excessive hair loss might have an underlying cause. There are plenty of reasons why hair fall occurs, but one of the  most common cause is stress. The hair is an outgrowth of the body. Thus, stress affects that skin and that includes the scalp.


Make Wash Day A Weekly Routine

People with dry ends do not need to wash their hair every day. With the right balance, our hair produces its own natural oils that help keep it healthy, shiny, and moisturized. In fact, constant washing can remove off these healthy oils. Aim to wash your hair at least every other day.


Protect The Hair

Heat can encourage blood flow to follicles in the scalp, but standing under the harsh summer heat can leave your hair dehydrated and brittle. This is because UV rays damage the skin, including the sensitive scalp. Using a hat or cap will help protect your hair and guard it against all the environmental factors.

Hair is affected by multiple factors like genes, protein, iron, and the quality of products used. That is why the steps to maintaining healthy hair vary per person. Knowing your hair and skin type can help resolve any potential underlying issues and help determine the type of care it needs to maintain a healthy, luscious mane.


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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

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