Tips For A Healthy Fall Season

The change in seasons brings a lot more than the cooler weather.  Going from summer to fall starts the days getting shorter and the cold starting to roll in.  What does this do to our health? There are lots of different things the colder months bring other than just cold.

For one thing it starts the dreaded flu season.  So when fall hits it is a good time to get your annual check ups along with your flu vaccine.   End of the year is usually a good time to get all your doctor’s appointments in before your deductible starts over.   Some insurances as well cover your annual, so getting that in before the year gets away with you is always a good thing to check off your list.  

Allergies from mold, dust, and fall pollens can cause sniffles and coughs that just never seem to go away.   If you aren’t sure if it is allergies or a cold, it can also be a good time to step into the doctor for them to do some allergy tests on you before you suffer through this high allergy time.

Fall is another time to start working on ways to boost your immune system.   This can be making sure you wash your hands often.   As well as drink plenty of water.   Drinking lots of water will also help your body stay moisturized inside and out.   The cold months can do damage to your skin.   Making sure you are getting enough vitamin C can also help boost your immunity.   Some good immunity boosting foods are garlic, ginger, spinach and almonds.  

Eating healthy in season foods is also good for you.   Fall foods like pumpkin are high in vitamin A, C, E, potassium and fiber.   Other in season foods are beets, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, eggplant, kale and squash.   Though with the weather being colder, and not going outside as much you will want to make sure you are watching your portion sizes.   As well as making sure you are eating healthy balanced meals, and not eating too much like a couch potato.  

With the weather getting cold it can be harder to get out to do exercises or activities that you have gotten used to in the summer.  It is good to find new ways to exercise.  Book into a new class at a gym, or a kickboxing class. Find a way to keep moving your body indoors while the weather is getting cold.  This is a good time to watch your screen time as well.  It is normal for screen time to start to rise as the days get shorter and colder. 

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Cold weather brings finding a new skin care routine for your whole body.  It is good to focus skin care on your face, but the rest of your body needs it too.  The colder weather can dry out your skin so moisturizing will be key during these months.  As well as hydrating.  Making sure you have enough water inside and out is the best. Your hair may need extra care as well from the dry, cold air. Finding a good conditioner, or hair mask can help your hair stay moisturized as well. 

Daylight savings time is coming.  Make sure you are sticking to a normal schedule so that you aren’t staying up too late when daylight savings happens.  Getting up at the same time every day as well as going to bed at the same time can really help your circadian rhythm during these darker months.  With less sunshine means we are getting less natural Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is crucial for healthy living.  If you don’t get enough natural Vitamin D, you may need to look into taking supplements. Foods that are high in vitamin D are cod liver, salmon, tuna, and milk.  When it is sunny outside even if it is a bit chilly, try to get outside when you can.  Natural vitamin D, is the best absorbed by your body.  Don’t forget though even though the sun isn’t as strong as it is in the summer, your skin can still get sun damage.  It is still recommended that you wear a SPF of at least 15. 

Fall cleaning can be just as rewarding as spring cleaning.  Wipe down your most touched areas in your house; cellphone, keyboard, kitchen area, doorknobs.  Keep hand sanitizer near.  This can also be a time to go through clothes, reorganize your closet to put the summer clothes away and bring out the winter clothes.  On cooler days, open your house up to let the breeze through your house to air it out before the extreme winter comes. 

Fall can also be a time for you to prepare for possible extreme weather.  If you live somewhere where extreme weather is inevitable then now is the time to start stocking up for that.  This can be making sure you have enough batteries, a shovel in a convenient location, canned goods, and bottled water. 

These are just a few things you can do to help prepare yourself for a healthy fall and the colder months that lie ahead.



Low vitamin D levels are an increased risk factor for many illnesses.   Foods that are high in vitamin D are cod liver, salmon, tuna, and milk.


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Written by HealthStatus Team
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our blood alcohol, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years. Our team of health professionals, and researchers use peer reviewed studies as source elements in our articles. Our high quality content has been featured in a number of leading websites, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, Live Strong, GQ, and many more.

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