Blood Alcohol Calculator

DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE! See how little alcohol is required to change the alcohol content of your blood stream.

Imperial Metric
Enter your gender:
Enter your weight:
Select your beverage:
Enter the number of those consumed:
Enter the amount of time since drinking began:
Calculating Result...
Enter your gender:
Enter your weight:
Select your beverage:
Enter the number of those consumed:
Enter the amount of time since drinking began:
Calculating Result...

The BAC (blood alcohol content) Calculator

This blood alcohol content or BAC, for short, calculator can estimate your blood alcohol levels. Metabolism, body fat percentage and medication are other factors that can affect the rate of absorption by the body, and these are not considered in this calculation.

Blood alcohol content (BAC) or blood alcohol level is the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream. It is usually measured as mass per volume. For example, a Blood alcohol content BAC of 0.04% means 0.4% (permille) or 0.04 grams of alcohol per 100 grams of individual’s blood. Use the HealthStatus (HealthStatus DE) BAC Calculator for informational purposes only, and not to drink and drive or drink and work.

Important Note: There is no BAC calculator that is 100% accurate.   This is due to the number of factors that come into play regarding the consumption and alcohol processing rates of different people. Factors include the gender of the drinker (biologic, not identity), their differing metabolism rates, various health issues,   and the combination of medications and supplements that might be taken by the drinker, drinking frequency, amount of food in the stomach and small intestine and when it was eaten, elapsed time, and other factors. The best that can be done is a rough estimation of the bloodstreams alcohol content or the BAC level based on known inputs.

Every state in the U.S. has a legal Blood Alcohol (BAC) limit of 0.005% or 0.08%, (depending on the state you are driving in). Most states also have lower legal BAC limits for young and inexperienced drivers, professional drivers and commercial drivers. Sentences for drunk driving include imprisonment, large fines, lengthy drivers license suspension and/or revocation, house arrest, community service, DUI schools, alcohol treatment programs, vehicle forfeiture and ignition interlock restrictions.

Impaired driving as a problem:

  • Among drivers with BAC levels of 0.08% or higher involved in fatal crashes in 2016, nearly three in 10 were between 25 and 34 years of age (27%). The next two largest groups were ages 21 to 24 (26%) and 35 to 44 (22%).
  • In 2016, 10,497 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for 28% of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.
  • Every day, 29 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver according to the CDC.
  • Of the 1,233 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2016, 214 (17%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.
  • In 2016, more than 1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. That’s one percent of the 111 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year (figure below).
  • The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $44 billion according to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

What safety steps can individuals take?

Make plans so that you don’t have to drive while impaired by alcohol and/or drugs and do it before you start consuming either. For example:

  • Before drinking, designate a non-drinking driver within your group.
  • Do not ever let your friends drive while impaired even slightly.
  • If you have been drinking alcohol and/or using drugs, get a ride home, use a ride share service, or call a taxi or Lyft or Uber.
  • If you’re hosting a party where alcohol will be served, remind your guests to plan ahead and designate a   driver that will not be drinking or using drugs. Make sure you have plenty of alcohol-free beverages, and make sure all guests leave with a sober driver.

Calculator Source: Computing a BAC Estimate. Driving under the Influence October 1992. U.S. Department of Transportation

Drinking alcohol increases your risk for liver problems. If you think you or someone you know might have a problem with alcohol, take the alcohol abuse quiz.

Can alcohol erectile dysfunction be reversed?

Erectile dysfunction is one of the adverse effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Your manhood needs to fill with blood to get and maintain an erection. Unfortunately, drinking large amounts of alcohol can interfere with the brain’s messengers responsible for telling the penis to fill with blood. 

You can also experience erectile dysfunction (Our German readers should have a look at the marked articles in the table: Potenzmittel when excessive amounts of alcohol in the bloodstream reduce testosterone production. Thankfully, if you detox, the body can recover to normal sexual function. 

If the adverse symptoms of alcohol-related impairment to sexual performance persist, you can start with getting into diets. The keto diet (Ketogene Diät) is great for cleansing your system. The keto diet and fat burners (Fatburner) are a full regimen for getting your healthy body back. Most popular keto products are Keto Gummies.

A testosterone booster (Testo Booster) is another crucial way to reverse alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction. The supplements (Supplements) will trigger the body to produce more testosterone hormones, leading to improved sexual performance. For recovering athletes, hitting the gym with legal steroids and SARMS would get you back on your levels of workout endurance and sexual performance.  

Alternatively, you can use a penis pump (Penispumpe) or natural ED pills like MaasaLong to improve your sexual performance while the body recovers from alcohol-induced erectile failure. A penis pump induces the penis to fill with blood, just like it would due to a natural erection. 

You can then use a penis ring to keep the blood from leaving the spongy erectile tissue, prolonging the induced erection.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Traffic Safety Facts 2016 data: alcohol-impaired driving. U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC; 2017 Available at:
Blincoe LJ, Miller TR, Zaloshnja E, Lawrence BA. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The economic and societal impact of motor vehicle crashes, 2010. (Revised). U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC; 2015. Available at:
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Department of Justice (US). Crime in the United States 2016: Uniform Crime Reports. Washington (DC): FBI; 2017. Available at
Compton RP, Berning A. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Traffic Safety Facts Research Note: drugs and alcohol crash risk. U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC; 2015 Available at:
Berning A, Compton R, Wochinger K. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Results of the 2013—2014 national roadside survey of alcohol and drug use by drivers. U.S. Department of Transportation. Washington, DC; 2015. Available at:


HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

21. February 2021
21. February 2021
Yes, if you're hungry BEFORE drinking your bac will be higher

25. November 2019
25. November 2019
At 4 est I had six 1.5 airplane minis - then - at 8 est I had two cocktails 1.5 - at 8:30 I had another cocktail - at 12 est I was tested Weight 269 5'8 What's your best guess at BAC

Emily Andreani
14. August 2019
Emily Andreani
14. August 2019
No. The only thing that eliminates alcohol from the body is TIME.

Emily Andreani
14. August 2019
Emily Andreani
14. August 2019
If this calculator is correct, then my Interlock device needs an intervention. According to my calculations (and I actually converted milliliter a to ounces to try to be exact) when I woke up the morning after my birthday, to go to work, I should have blown a 0.23. My Interlock device will fail me for anything over a 0.02, and I passed. It gets calibrated every month, and is sensitive enough to detect alcohol (“Alcohol Detected” alert, but not a fail) if I spray my Bath & Body Works body spray too close to the interval test. And this isn’t the first time I’ve consumed this amount in this period and passed. I should also mention, my Interlock is voluntary—for this reason. No calculator can determine a definite result. Not only do results vary from individual to individual, they can also vary from day to day, depending upon NUMEROUS factors. I’m not knocking this site, by any means. I’m simply saying it’s different for everyone, just doesn’t drive after drinking. It sounds simple—and it is. But after an evening of drinking, you may not “feel” drunk, but you will blow that way. If you think an Uber is expensive, wait until your second DUI. Not to mention, the nightmares that come after you realize, at first, selfishly, that you could have killed yourself. And worse, when your selfishness subsides and you realize you could have killed children, families; that it would kill your mother if your only victim was you. Then, maybe you’ll get it.

Some Dude
11. May 2019
Some Dude
11. May 2019
This calculator indicates no difference between light beer and regular beer. It does not list "alcohol by volume". Per this calculator, two 12 ounce beers in 1 hour consumed by a 167 lb man yields a BAC of 0.03. My own calculations, using 5% abv, show 0.04, so this calculator seems a little low to me. Budwiser is 5% abv. Coors Light and Miller Light are both 4.2%. Many craft beers are in the 6-7% range. Coors

Rick Champ
11. May 2019
Rick Champ
11. May 2019
Does food intake change these results?

Kelly Golemon
7. May 2019
Kelly Golemon
7. May 2019
Hi my son had 0.4 alcohol level. How many beers would that be?

Matthew Greer
4. May 2019
Matthew Greer
4. May 2019
Alcohol is metabolized (broken down) by the body at a rate of 0.016% per hour. You're having 5 drinks over the course of 4 hours. Without knowing your weight, I can't give you an exact figure. If you are at or over 200 lbs you should be below .08 pretty much the whole time. By 10 or 11 your BAC would be very very low.

Keith Breedlove
21. November 2018
Keith Breedlove
21. November 2018
I'd like to be able to calculate my expected BAC after this scenario: a lite beer at 5:00 while grilling, 2 glasses of wine with dinner until 7:30, another glass of wine while watching tv, finishing with a shot of scotch at 9. Perhaps averaging the ABV would work?


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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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