Month: November 2012

Measure Your Body Fat

We have several helpful body fat calculators. This video covers how you would do it manually with skin calipers. Once you see this, go to our calculator page for a MUCH easier way to get an estimate.

High Intensity Interval Training | HIIT

HealthStatus has a great High Intensity Interval Training program called HIIT it Hard!   Here is a video from Jim Stoppani, PhD, the Senior Science Editor for Muscle & Fitness Magazine explaining hit and the benefits.  


What Is Salmonella?

Many individuals have some conception on what salmonella is, with many thinking it is only food poisoning as a result of undercooked meat. This theory is partially true as that is one of the main ways salmonellosis is contracted, but it only one method of many. The strand of bacterium called salmonella is responsible for […]

Cardio-Pulmonary: Respiration And Your heart

The human body is an aerobic organism; this means it requires oxygen to function. Where does this oxygen come from? It comes from gas exchange that occurs within the lungs. Without oxygen the cells in your body will die from hypoxia, hypoxia is a condition when the oxygen levels are too low to support the […]

What Are Stem Cells?

The news that scientists found a way to use embryonic stem cells to cure serious hearing loss is great news for more than 275 million people in the world who cannot hear. The science is discovering every day a new way to use stem cells for curing diseases, repairing damage and helping people. But what […]

Calories – Are They Bad For You?

What are calories? A calorie is a unit of energy. Calories reflect the amount of energy in a given unit of food. Calorie values alone do not provide enough information on what foods to eat; you need to consider fats, carbohydrates, proteins and sugars. When you hear the phrase “empty calories” there is no such […]

Why Are Women Suffering From Alzheimers More Than Men

There are 5.4 million Americans today who are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Two thirds of them are women. Why exactly this debilitating disease affects women so disproportionately is not quite clear and experts decided that it is important to find out. Their recommendations are published in the latest Journal of Women’s Health.

Crohn’s Disease Diet

For about half million Americans who are suffering from the Crohn’s disease, eating is a nightmare. Almost anything they eat can cause a flare-up and pain. While there is no cure for Crohn’s disease, there are foods that are much better tolerated by people who suffer from it, and which can allow these poor souls […]


Osteoporosis Awareness

Awareness of osteoporosis is so important to women that they should consider it daily as, although men do suffer from osteoporosis, 68% of sufferers are women. Prevention of osteoporosis starts now, not when you are already older and beginning to suffer from the effects. Women thirty years of age and older should take preventive measures.

Walking And Zumba

Walking and dancing are easy and very fun forms of aerobic exercise. Both will help you lose weight. If you want to burn just a little fat, go for a leisurely walk or slowly move around the dance floor. However, to burn more fat try running on a treadmill and take up Zumba dancing.