Year: 2013

Visiting the doctor

How Often Should I Visit The Doctor?

Unfortunately many people do not go to see a doctor unless they are near death, literally. Next in line are people that only go to see a doctor if they have been injured. Data from 2008 shows that there were 124 million emergency room visits that year and out of those only 42 million were […]


Healthcare Benefits: Take Care of Yourself

Healthcare benefits, what do you gain from taking care of yourself and being concerned for your health? Caring for ones’ health is very important, well, for your health and general well being. If you try to take good care of yourself you have a better chance at a happier, healthier, longer, and fuller life.

Why Exercise Is Wise

Exercise to lose weight, build muscles, look and feel good. Exercise can bring up your energy levels and improve moods. You need at least thirty minutes or more of moderate to intense exercise to keep your body going.

A skinny man

Daily Activity – How Many Calories Am I Burning?

How many calories do you burn a day going about your normal routine? Well that would depend on what your normal routine is as well as your age, sex, and height. For the sake of this article let’s assume you are a 35 year old woman that weighs 140 pounds, if you lead a sedentary […]