Year: 2014

A stressed man

What is Fatigue and How to Combat It

Everyone struggles with being overtired or overworked. There are instances of temporary fatigue and these have identifiable causes.   There is also chronic fatigue that lasts longer and is more health-alarming. Chronic fatigue is a constant state of weariness that creeps up over time and takes away your mental capacity and energy. If you are […]

Signs of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis has unpredictable symptoms and the symptoms differ in intensity. There are some who only have numbness and are always fatigued, but severe cases can cause weakened brain functions, paralysis, and loss of vision. It has been reported that MS (multiple sclerosis) affects about 2.5 million people globally and women are affected much more […]

What is Celiac Disease?

A hot medical topic for the last few years features celiac disease, what it is, and how to combat it. Medically defined celiac disease is reaction brought on by the immune system when you eat gluten or the proteins originating in ryes, barley and wheat. Eating gluten activates an immune reaction in the small intestine. […]

Vascular Disease: Increases Autoimmune Disorders

Hardening of the arteries is associated with heart disease and strokes, but it may also be linked with autoimmune diseases. Studies published in medical journals indicate that those who have high blood levels of a molecule known to cause vascular disease have exaggerated symptoms of autoimmune disorders like arthritis or psoriasis.

Why We Need Sleep

Good sleep is a staple of good health. Sleep is needed to regulate body functions, help you feel more energetic, happier and better able to function. Sleep just feels good. Compare sleep to eating. When you are hungry you consume nutrients to help bodies grow, repair tissues and provide health to your internal organs. It […]

Millennials and Stress

Every generation brings their own quirks, attitudes and values. Those born between 1946 and 1964 are the parents of the millennial generation. Baby boomers revolted against morally constructing values and created their own set of values that now dominate the culture. Feminism, looser sexual morals and anti-war sentiments are very visible, but what about the […]

Who Takes Statins?

Statins are prescribed to lower cholesterol levels. They are known as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors.   Statins inhibit the enzyme in the liver that synthesizes cholesterol as well as LDL receptors. Statins are used to reduce cholesterol levels and prevent heart attacks and strokes. Recent studies show that statins can reduce recurrent strokes or heart attacks […]


BRCA Mutations

BRCA stands for BReast CAncer. Normal BRCA genes fight cancer when it occurs in your body. However there are some families that carry altered, broken or mutated BRCA genes and spread these genes down from one generation to another.   Statistically women who carry a BRCA alteration have an 87% risk for breast cancer. These […]

The Ins and Outs of a Blood Donor

Voluntarily have your blood drawn to use for transfusions or other biopharmaceutical processes and you are now a blood donor. You can donate whole blood (WB) or specific components. Most blood donors are unpaid volunteers who take advantage of Red Cross Blood drives and family members often donate blood to help other family members. There […]