What You Need to get BRIDE FIT for the New Year

Here we are in the final stretch of the holiday season!   It’s so exciting to see all the engagement announcements on social media!   The statistics show 33 percent of engagements happen between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.   As a ‘bride to be’ you have extra motivation to stay committed to New Year’s resolutions this year!  

If you are like most brides your goals include getting fit & fabulous for the big day, this on-line program will give you the specific steps to get wedding dress ready, have a glowing complexion and a roadmap to living happily & healthily ever after with your partner.   Joining today is your first step to ensuring you’ll achieve a Bride Fit body for your big day!

I want to identify the difference between a “resolution” and a “goal”.  A resolution is something you resolve to do daily, for example; meditate before bed, eat more vegetables and exercise more.  A “goal” comes with an action plan.  You achieve a goal.  You keep a resolution.  Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound!

Accountability is a huge factor in your success.  Share your goals with a positive friend who you trust to encourage you.  Finally, don’t underestimate the power of visualization!  Visualizing yourself implementing your everyday resolutions and achieving your goals is a guarantee that it will come to pass!  Vision Boards are an amazing tool.  Cut out pictures and words that reflect what you want to accomplish. Make a collage on poster board and put it somewhere that you see it everyday, like your closet.


Let’s get started, Here’s the steps to take:

  • Write down your goals and resolutions for the New Year. Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T.!   Write down what you want to accomplish and then the plan to achieve it.   For an example, if you want to eat more vegetables plan on adding a salad per day or commit to learning a way to prepare one new vegetable per week.   Take it to the next level; make a list of the ingredients you need and put it in your calendar when you are going shopping.
  • Select your support system that you will hold you accountable to your commitments, such as walking 10,000 steps a day, eating a salad with dinner every night, hitting the gym 3 x’s per week. Schedule a weekly ‘check in’ with your accountability partner.   Make it reciprocal; support and encourage her m.a.r.t. goals too!
  • Make a Vision Board.  This is actually fun, gather some friends, have some wine and do it together.


I’m confident you will reach all your Bride Fit goals for 2017 with this formula!  Remember that everyday is a New Day, if you have unplanned eating or you sway off the road of your new routines don’t throw in the towel!   Simply review your goals, make sure they are realistic, tweak if needed and get back to the program.

As a Bride Fit coach, I support and guide brides to reach all their nutrition, fitness and lifestyle goals in my program.   Contact me if you desire a personalized plan to get Bride Fit in 2017.   Wishing you and your love an extraordinary New Year abundant in health & happiness!


Sheila is a health coach and creator of 12 WEEKS TO A FIT BRIDE.    She works with BRIDES in the area’s of fitness, nutrition & lifestyle to create a life of “happily & healthily ever after.”

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Written by Sheila Piehler
Medical Writer & Editor

Sheila is a health coach and creator of 12 WEEKS TO A FIT BRIDE.    She works with BRIDES in the area’s of fitness, nutrition & lifestyle to create a life of “happily & healthily ever after.”

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