The Cancer Diaries, A Journey Through The Crucible Book Synopsis: In 1998, Carol Farmer, a mother and active, vibrant woman, received a diagnosis from her doctor that is every woman’s worst nightmare: You have breast cancer. After Carol and her husband David and their two daughters, Cherise and Danielle, recovered from the initial shock, they began the long and arduous journey of trying to figure out the complexities of this insidious disease. While weeding through the inordinate amounts of information, consulting with doctors, and determining and deciding on the best course of treatment, each began writing a journal of their experience, unaware that the others were also doing so. The Cancer Diaries: A Journey through the Crucible is the culmination of these four different points of view. It is the personal and poignant story of a family’s battle with illness and how each dealt with, and was changed, by what David Farmer refers to as “the dragon.” This narration, which spans four years, is candid, personal and powerful.