5 Ways to Stay Positive in the Face of January Diet Campaigns

Grace Bradley, the communications intern for the National Eating Disorders Association blog posted about “5 Ways to Stay Positive in the Face of January Diet Campaigns. This blog post goes in depth into how some of us face more challenges and negative thinking throughout the month of January. Why do we feel these challenges and negative thinking more in January? Simply put, we aspire to change ourselves (for the better) in the new year. When we fail to achieve those goals IMMEDIATELY, we lose faith, determination and courage. Well, Grace Bradley has some tips to change all that negative thinking.

First, create a list of positive, reachable goals for the year. These are goals you know is achievable and can be accomplished in a short-amount or longer period of time. Short-term goals are more reachable and can help give you determination to tackle, longer, more difficult goals.

Secondly, we all have to do what feels best for ourselves. We get caught up in pleasing others and working for others, that we don’t take time to look after ourselves! Change that, and start doing what YOU need for yourself. Practice self-care, practice self-love.

Third, create newness in your life. I’m not saying, go ahead and divorce your husband or throw the baby out with the bathwater, but just do something new! Whether that be learning a new hobby, a new language, or even just rearranging your room to make it NEW and FRESH. Anything to create some (positive) change.

Fourth, recreate your social media for positive surroundings! Cut out the negative and hateful friends, pages, and presence from ALL of your social media. You will be much happier and healthy in the long-run staying away from stressful thinking and negative mindsets.

Fifth, be fearless and have courage in all that you do. There will always be challenges and difficulties, but remain STRONG and have faith in what you want to accomplish. It is your new year after all!

Key Points:

  • 1Make a list of concrete goals for the year and instead of getting overwhelmed, highlight the ones you’re excited about.
  • 2Spend time caring for yourself in a way that suits you, and minimize your exposure to social media, especially those influences that leave you feeling bad about yourself.
  • 3Challenge yourself to something new, big or small, and move past your fears. The New Year doesn’t have to be about weight loss or being better, but doing those things that mean something to you.

We only get one body in this lifetime, so we need to take care of it and the soul that inhabits it.

See the original at: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/blog/5-ways-stay-positive-face-january-diet-campaigns


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Written by HealthStatus
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HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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