Eating Disorder

Our Eating Disorder articles on

How to Survive the Holidays When Your Child Has an Eating Disorder

Holidays can be hard when your child has or is recovering from an eating disorder. Some tips to make the holidays a little easier are to have simpler holidays, not compare this holiday with previous ones when everything seemed “normal”, and get help. This can be a great time of love and laughter. This is […]

Anorexia, Bone Density Concerns & Vitamin D

Eating disorders are a very real thing and there are millions of people who are dealing with Osteoporosis which is caused when the bones in your body are less dense than normal which in return causes them to fracture fairly easily. As of this date there are over 50 million people who are diagnosed with […]

Combatting Diet Culture on Social Media

This was a very thought provoking article that touches the surface of a much-needed discussion about how we use social media. The post goes on to discuss how social media plays a role in how we view our self in this society. When you are bombarded with ads and idols of perfection, it tends to […]

Ways to Help Your Friend in Anorexia Recovery

Helping a friend or loved one recover from anorexia can be a challenging yet rewarding task. It’s easy to focus on supporting that person before treatment and during treatment of course, but more difficult to remember that on-going support after treatment is critical. It’s important to keep open communication with the person who suffered from […]

Religiosity Does Not Increase the Risk of Anorexia Nervosa

Religiosity is the connection between religious fasting practices as a form of religious duty or loyalty. This practice of abstaining from foods or liquids for a set time period lasting for hours, days, weeks including a fast to death from nutritional abstinence for the religious cause. According to asociate professor Anna Keski-Rahkonen at the University […]

College Students, Bulimia Treatment and Working

College students today are more stressed than they have ever been. A large number of college students have been found to develop eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia. Bulimia is an eating disorder in which one binges and purges, meaning they eat all the food they desire and then throw it all up after. […]

Unstable Childhood May Hike Risk of Adult Obesity

Everyone has experienced it at some point- you have a bad day or you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, so you decide to eat your feelings. Well, studies by Professor of Psychology Jon Maner show that children with unpredictable circumstances aren’t any different. Children who move a lot, see their […]

Why All Doctors Should Have Better Eating Disorder Training

Most health care professionals are not well trained in interacting and treating men and women who battle eating disorders. This often leads to insensitive comments and poor overall quality of health care. Unless practitioners have a special interest in learning about and treating eating disorders, they do not receive specific training in this area. Many […]

Teenagers and Eating Disorder Treatment: Keeping up in School

Many teenagers are affected by the mental illnesses known as binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and anorexia nervosa. It is more common than you might think. Because of the manner of the illness, it is important to seek professional help. Treatment for these illnesses will differ from child to child based on the severity of […]

How Do I Know if Animal Therapy is Right For Me?

Starting in the 1940’s, animals have been used in order to provide assistance in improving individual’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being.  Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)   can help heal physical symptoms as well as social and mental issues.   Some benefits are: Lower blood pressure Decrease heart rate Reduce anxiety Decrease stress Reduce anger Improve […]