Eating Disorder

Our Eating Disorder articles on

Addicted To Soda? Really?

The average American drinks six hundred 12 oz. servings of cola a year. Males between the ages of twelve and twenty-nine drink an average of 160 gallons/year. That’s almost two quarts/day.


Nutrition Disorders

Here in the United States, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, there are still children that do not get enough to eat. This is sad, but it is a fact, and sometimes, even when a child gets enough to eat, they aren’t eating the right things or eating them in the right amounts.


Lactose Intolerance

Many people have heard the phrase before and had an ideal of what it meant – an inability for a person to have milk – but do these people actually know exactly what lactose intolerance is? Lactose intolerance is just as the name suggests: It is the very definition of the words, an intolerance to […]

Woman with a measuring tape on her lips

Eating Disorders

Many people are afflicted with eating disorders, which make them either gain or lose weight too rapidly. An obsession with a certain type of body image, depression or even anxiety can be a cause of most eating disorders.  (use our body mass index and ideal weight calculators to determine your healthy weight range)

Causes of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux or GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) occurs when the liquid that is in the stomach backs up into the esophagus.   This is usually a condition which persists throughout the life of the individual.   Because the acid backs up into the esophagus, the esophagus may be damaged.

What on Earth is Celiac Disease?

Celiac Disease, once considered rare, was recently listed in an article by Reader’s Digest Magazine as one of the “Top Ten Diseases Doctors Miss”.  Prominent studies completed in the past two years indicate that Celiac Disease is not really rare at all, but actually quite common.  And if a Celiac is not diagnosed properly, sufferers […]

Medications for Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux can be terrible to live with.   Here are some of the commonly used medications to treat this issue.   Make sure you check with your health care provider to decide which is best for you.

Suffering from Anorexia – Consider Family Therapy

Anorexia is a complex eating disorder with roots in distorted self-image, psychiatric disturbance and emotional unrest.   Because the problem is complex the solution must also address all the issues that the person with anorexia struggles to ensure a higher rate of recovery.

Change What You Crave By Changing How You Think

Are cravings controlling your eating habits? Well, they don’t have to anymore. Cravings are overrated. Learn how to use your mind to change what you crave. You will lose weight.  

After Effects of Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that affects mostly girls and women with the majority in their teens and early twenties when it develops. With strong therapy and long-term programs many of these girls have a chance of recovering from this psychological disorder that drives them to become thinner and thinner while not recognizing the […]