Making big changes to your lifestyle can certainly benefit your health. At the same time, those small daily modifications can be just as helpful, if not more so. After all, altering your diet and routine in a positive manner each day will have an impact over time.
Thus, on this note, here are all the tricks that you should start incorporating into your day. While some may be easier than others, you should know that each and every one of these tips can help your health quite a bit. So, let’s get started…
Move More
As you are well aware, you should be getting more exercise. On average, you need about 30 minutes to an hour of moderate physical movement. It is only then that you can maintain a healthy weight and keep your cardiovascular system in good condition.
Of course, if you are like most people, you might find it difficult to make time for a workout. Therefore, this is something that gets pushed to the side on a fairly regular basis. So, how can you make certain that you get the physical activity that you need?
Well, there are a few ways to manage this. To begin with, walk around more at work. Every two hours, walk around for five minutes. At the end of your workday, you will have completed at least twenty minutes of walking!
Another thing that you should get into the habit of doing is to walk rather than drive to places. If you need to go to a nearby destination, leave your car at home. You will then find it rather simple to meet your exercise quota for the day.
Load Up on Veggies
This is yet another tip that you are familiar with. However, it would appear that while many people know they should eat veggies, there aren’t actually following this rule. For instance, the CDC found that only one in ten people were actually eating as many vegetables as they should!
Are you consuming around two to three cups of veggies each day? Or, do you fall into the category of people who just aren’t eating enough? If you need to increase the amount of vegetables that you eat, there are actually plenty of ways to manage this.
One thing you could do is to swap out carbs like bread, rice, and noodles with vegetables. For example, using cauliflower, you can make rice or even a pizza base. Lots of different veggies such as zucchini and sweet potato can be turned into noodles or pasta.
Be More Mindful of Your Eating
You may also want to change the way you eat. Far too many people are distracted while they are eating. They tend to look at their phones, TV screens, or may even read at the dinner table. The problem with this manner of consumption is that you aren’t really paying attention to your food.
In particular, you aren’t focusing on the way it tastes or even the texture in your mouth. Not only are you letting perfectly food essentially go to waste, doing so can also cause weight gain. See, when you are distracted, you aren’t really keeping track of what you eat.
As such, you may not feel satiated right way. This, of course, leads to you taking even more food which many be unnecessary. If you continue this pattern of eating, you may end up putting on more than a few pounds. To avoid this, put away your devices and simply focus on the meal in front of you.
Cut Down on Caffeine
Do you feel jittery and anxious? Perhaps you are having trouble sitting in one place or focusing on a particular task. If any of these symptoms sound familiar to you, it is possibly because you are consuming too much caffeine. Now, you certainly aren’t the only one.
The rise in the number of coffee shops and single-serve brewers means that people have more access to coffee than ever before. Thus, the tendency to overindulge in these treats is only natural. However, if you are drinking too much coffee, this is something you need to alter right away.
If going cold-turkey seems unlikely, try substituting a few cups of your coffee with beverages lower in caffeine such as tea. Sites such as TeaLeafed are great for figuring out which types of tea have the lowest caffeine content. Making this kind of switch will help to keep consumption to a minimum without having to worry about those pesky side effects.
Get More Sleep
It can often seem like each generation is getting less sleep than the one before. Now, there can be many reasons for this. For one thing, people tend to lead a more fast-paced life and feel the need to always be on call at work.
For another, technology means that there are even more things to capture people’s attention for a longer period of time. This makes many reluctant to go off to bed. This is especially the case with younger individuals who can struggle with FOMO — the fear of missing out.
Nevertheless, if you want to be a happy, healthy, and functioning person, you need to get around 7 to 8 hours of sleep each day. So, make sure that you plan your day around this interval. This way, you can ensure that you make sleep a priority.
Another thing you should do is to ditch the screens and devices about an hour before you are meant to go to sleep. This helps your body to recalibrate and prepare for bedtime. As a result, you are more likely to fall asleep faster.
If possible, keep your devices out of your bedroom as well. Switch out your smartphone for an alarm clock. This cuts down on the possibility of you being woken up by messages, notifications, or any other digital activity.
So, there you have it — all the ways you can boost your health every day. If you want to make a real change to your wellbeing, these are the tips you should be following. You will certainly be able to feel the change after a short period.