How Sleep Affects Health

Sleeplessness affects multiple aspects of our lives. It can make us sick, cause mental health distress, and more. It’s important to get enough sleep every night for a multitude of reasons, but especially right now that is easier said than done. People are reporting strange, vivid dreams and nightmares, which are likely to be a direct result of the added stress everyone is under during this pandemic. It’s a catch-22, though. You need to get regular, restful sleep in order to be at your best immunity to fight off infections, but the threat of COVID-19 makes that nearly impossible. How can people work toward better sleep so they can stay as healthy as possible during this pandemic?

One thing that is a really easy fix is keeping a daily routine. It can be tempting to stay up late and not keep the same sleep and wake times since most people aren’t really going anywhere anyway, but that is a huge mistake. Keeping the same sleep schedule helps your body to get better rest and wake up feeling refreshed. A regular schedule helps to regulate cortisol and melatonin levels in your body, which leads to a reduction in stress levels, too.

Without enough sleep it’s not just your immune system that suffers. You can also experience sleep problems, fatigue, memory issues, and more.

Make sure your sleeping area is dark and cool. Use white noise machines, fans, and eye covers if you need to. Skip naps during the day as they can mess up your normal sleep patterns. Flip your mattress, wash your bedding, and try to make your sleep space as comfortable and relaxing as possible. Limit caffeine intake during the day, and try to stop drinking caffeinated beverages after noon.

Sleep is important for overall health. Learn more about the power of sleep from the infographic below.




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Written by Danielle White
Medical Writer & Editor

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