Our PCOS articles on Healthstatus.com

Take a Stand Against PCOS… and Bring a Friend!

The concept of a support group sometimes gets poked fun at in our culture, but the truth of the matter is that a support group can make all the difference in the world, at least to those who need it. Addiction recovery programs know this; they are fully aware of the importance of support and […]

PCOS, Acne, and Obesity… A Surprising Connection?

If you’ve ever been diagnosed with a hormonal disorder, or any other kind of disease of the endocrine system, you know full well just how complex of a system it is. Certainly, women who have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) know it without a doubt. The hormones of our body are responsible for so many functions, […]

Reproductive Health: A Change in Environment Can Do You Good!

There are few experiences more traumatic or frustrating for a couple hopeful to conceive a child, than finding out that they have a fertility issue, and that conceiving will be either difficult or impossible. This is the case with as many as one in six couples trying to conceive for the first time. The myriad […]

PCOS and Hirsutism… Could Spearmint Tea be the Cure?

The tragic thing about PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is that it comes with many different symptoms and effects, presenting itself in different ways in different women. This makes it hard to diagnose, and it also makes it hard for women to know exactly what they should be doing to treat it.

A Surprising Link Between PCOS, Diabetes and Depression

If you are well aware of the major contributing factors of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), then you are probably not at all surprised that it has been linked to Diabetes. Insulin Resistance, the inability of the cells of the body to allow insulin to convert glucose into energy, is a common cause that connects these […]

Do Not Be Silent About Your Struggles… Speak Up and Help Others Heal From PCOS!

More so than physically healing from the disease, coping with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) on an emotional level is a task that women with this condition must pour their hearts into. Yes, physical recovery is important, but without the strength that comes from understanding, accepting, and emotionally fighting against the illness, physical recovery may not […]

4 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Despite PCOS

Metabolism is a borderline dirty word to people that are aging. As you age your metabolism slows down and cannot burn fat as quickly as before. For many people, this translates into weight gain, but for women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) it can translate into a much more difficult time controlling their disease.

Is Estrogen the Only Female Sex Hormone?

Oftentimes, people associate estrogen with the female reproductive system, but the truth is that without progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH), the female reproductive system would not be able to work properly. Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) experience abnormalities in their hormone levels, which can lead to issues with their body’s […]

PCOS and Hormonal Imbalance The Grim Truth, and the Remarkable Remedy!

Do you have any idea how many hormones there are in the human body, and how many of our internal bodily functions are dictated by those hormones working in perfect harmony? To put it lightly, the hormonal system is a complex one, and any disease that disrupts it is bound to have serious consequences for […]

PCOS and Hysterectomy… Surprising Facts, and a Startling Cure!

To say that the hysterectomy is a relatively routine procedure is not to diminish the real medical issues that women who undergo this procedure must face, but it is nevertheless true: Simply put, the procedure is done all the time. In fact, roughly one in three women in the U.S. undergo a hysterectomy before reaching […]