Many people are afflicted by insomnia. It can manifest as trouble falling asleep, or in the inability to stay asleep without waking several times. Some of the interruptions in sleep will even be so severe that someone suffering from insomnia will be unable to return to sleep. And sometimes, even if an insomniac can get any sleep at all, it will be of a low quality that leaves them chronically without sufficient rest.
The issue with insomnia, and treating it, is it isn’t necessarily one thing that could be causing a specific insomniac’s troubles. Both the cause and symptoms are different from person to person. For some, even drinking coffee or tea too late in the day could lead to restless or interfered with sleep. For others, even long consecutive periods without restful sleep can still leave them utterly exhausted, yet still unable to fall asleep.
Some common causes for insomnia include stress, depression, anxiety, or traumatic experiences. Such issues can linger on the mind and emotions, and disrupt a normal sleep cycle. Some medications can interfere with restful sleep. Sometimes it can be an environmental cause, and not medical at all; such as a room or building that is distracting. And sometimes it can be as simple as an interrupted routine.
Can’t sleep, clowns will eat me and how to quiet those voices! #HealthStatus
Key Points:
- 1Insomnia is a problem either falling, or staying, asleep; and can result from a variety of causes.
- 2Common reasons for insomnia include stress, depression, anxiety, or other emotional experiences that are affecting you.
- 3Start by trying to relax more, avoiding caffeine in the afternoon and evening, and setting a regular bedtime schedule.
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