Totally Fit Spark Plug – Trans Fatty Acids

Hey Champion,

Consumers need to be concerned with the nutrition facts labels on food products. The FDA will be requiring that trans fatty acids be included on the labels with saturated fats.

These include Omega 3 and 6 polyunsaturated as well as monounsaturated fatty acids that have been partially hydrogenated. They are listed in the ingredients as partially hydrogenated oils such as “partially hydrogenated soybean, cottonseed, etc. oils”.

They are called “trans” because the chemical form has been changed by moving hydrogen atoms to the opposite side of the fatty acid molecule. Food suppliers have modified these fatty acids in order to increase shelf life.

Steer clear of foods containing trans fatty acids.

“I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.” Psalms 119:15-16.

I will.
I will.
I will.

I will is the result of a practical decision to be proactive in an activity that hopefully will bring the intended outcome.

I wonder how many of us who attend church every weekend have any intention of applying even one point from the message that we heard.

There is nothing more important than to apply the Word of God to our life.

Exercise of the Week: I will.

You can follow me on Twitter: @CoachNava


Don Nava is a Kingdom Life Coach. A Kingdom Coach helps individuals integrate the principles of the Kingdom of God into their personal, private and public life. Kingdom Coaching is teaching, mentoring and discipling a person to have a kingdom mindset so that they can live the More Abundant Life that Jesus promised in John 10:10. Don Nava has served as a coach for the past 35 years. He started his coaching career in Silicon Valley, coaching executives at Cisco Systems, Silicon Graphics, ATT, NIKE and many venture capitalists. After years of research, study and observation, Coach Nava determined that there are several underlying mental, emotional, directional and spiritual issues that are keeping people from being physically fit. As a result, he designed and developed the Totally Fit Life System which has been a catalyst of transformation for thousands of men, women and children. You can follow me on Twitter: @CoachNava

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Written by Don Nava
Medical Writer & Editor

Don Nava is a Kingdom Life Coach. A Kingdom Coach helps individuals integrate the principles of the Kingdom of God into their personal, private and public life. Kingdom Coaching is teaching, mentoring and discipling a person to have a kingdom mindset so that they can live the More Abundant Life that Jesus promised in John 10:10. Don Nava has served as a coach for the past 35 years. He started his coaching career in Silicon Valley, coaching executives at Cisco Systems, Silicon Graphics, ATT, NIKE and many venture capitalists. After years of research, study and observation, Coach Nava determined that there are several underlying mental, emotional, directional and spiritual issues that are keeping people from being physically fit. As a result, he designed and developed the Totally Fit Life System which has been a catalyst of transformation for thousands of men, women and children. You can follow me on Twitter: @CoachNava

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