Hey Champion,
The number one cause of disability in America isn’t heart disease or diabetes–it’s arthritis.
According to statistics from the federal Centers for Disease Control, one in three adults is now affected by an arthritis-related condition.
The good news is the high prevalence of arthritis has led to increased awareness and increased research efforts.
Unlike anti-inflammatories such as naproxen (Aleve), for example, treatments such as glucosamine and hyaluronic acid don’t cause gastric bleeding or ulcers, and they don’t raise your risk of a heart attack, stroke, or kidney disease.
Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks He distributed them to the disciples. John 6:11
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples. Matthew 26:26
Notice: The disciples received bread from Jesus because they were around Jesus. The Bread of Life wants to give you the bread of life–but you need to move closer to Him to receive it.
Exercise of the Week: Choose today to develop intimacy with Jesus