Hepatitis – How To Protect Yourself

Before we can begin to discuss how to take measures to prevent against something as harmful as hepatitis, it will be a benefit to understand what hepatitis is and what it affects.

The term hepatitis, as a definition, is an inflammation of the liver. Remember that the liver is basically the powerhouse of the body, as it is the organ that is the main processing planet of nutrients. The liver also serves as the means to metabolize medication in the body, while at the same time performing the act of filtration for the liquid of the body. The liver is critically important to the body for providing energy and the removal of the waste of the body.

What causes hepatitis?

The causes of hepatitis are varied, and it can occur from a plethora of things. Some of the main causes of the disease are it occurring as the result of a bacterial infection, injury to the liver through toxin effects (essentially being poisoned) and can even occur as a result of the body’s immune system attacking the liver. While hepatitis can occur as a result of these, the most typical cause of it is to be caused by a virus. There are three versions of the hepatitis virus common to the population of the United States, with two others appearing in rare cases. The common versions are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and finally Hepatitis C. The two rare strands that occur are the viruses Hepatitis D and Hepatitis E.

The hepatitis strand can mutate inside the body, making the viruses harder for the body to naturally resist. In extreme cases, the hepatitis B and C strands can mutate to the point where they are actually capable of destroying the liver of the body. Whoever this happens to will then need to undergo a liver transplant in order to even have a chance to survive, remembering that not every transplant is successful to begin with.

As terrible as this virus is, there are some very simple ways to avoid being at risk of being infected.

Preventing Hepatitis B and C

One of the easiest ways for a person to become infected by hepatitis B or C is to improperly handle the bodily fluids of a person. Gloves should always be worn when dealing with fluids, as having material protection serves to help reduce the amount of exposure to fluids that can contain hepatitis B or C. Having skin that is well taken care of and intact will help provide a naturally defense, but even the smallest opening on your hand is enough for the virus to enter your body from infected blood. If you work daily in an environment that has even the smallest chance of having blood introduced – something like a school, or food place – it is a good plan to keep a disposable pair of latex-free gloves handy in the event of needing them.

Preventing Hepatitis A

The transport of hepatitis A from person to person occurs through what is described as the fecal-oral route. Basically, infection takes place when a person consumes food or liquid that contains infected feces. The contraction of hepatitis A is not common in the United States, but is fairly common is more undeveloped countries where sanitation of public water supplies is something that drastically needs improved.


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Written by HealthStatus Team
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our blood alcohol, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years. Our team of health professionals, and researchers use peer reviewed studies as source elements in our articles. Our high quality content has been featured in a number of leading websites, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, Live Strong, GQ, and many more.

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