
Our Wellness articles on Healthstatus.com

Feeling Tired? Go for a Walk

It sounds completely counter-intuitive, but scientists found that, instead dropping on your sofa and grabbing a remote, going for a walk, run or swim might do much more to make you feel refreshed and reinvigorated after a long day of work.

Heartburn, GERD, Acid Reflux, Chron’s What is Wrong with Me?

Almost everyone had heartburn at some point. More than 60 million Americans suffer from it regularly. Heartburn is caused by lose valve between our stomach and esophagus (the tube between the stomach and the throat), which allows the food, together with stomach acid, to back up. If it burns like heartburn, feels like heartburn, we […]


Reclaim Your Tap Water

We are brainwashed by advertising companies. There is no better example than the bottled water fad. Because we are convinced that bottled water is cleaner and healthier than the one we get from our taps, in 2009 Americans spent $10.6 billion on bottled water. Millions of bottles end up in our overflowing dumps, and we […]

What is in Tea?

Tea is probably the most popular drink in the world, if we do not count water. There is something about tea: the aroma, the taste or maybe the ritual of seeping the perfect cup. But, there is more to tea than the pleasure of drinking it, otherwise it would not remain so popular for thousands […]

Mighty Berries Keep the Old Age at Bay

Ageing happens to all of us, but we all prefer to age gracefully. The problem with old age is that it usually means loss of mobility and problems with memory. Fortunately, there is always something we can do to postpone reserving our place in an old age home. The latest research shows that eating berries […]

Natural Estrogen Enhancement

We need our estrogen. Both men and women produce it, but its role in women”s body is more obvious: it has crucial function in female reproductive system. The main job of estrogen, a group of several hormones, is to prepare the uterus to receive the egg by thickening the lining of the uterus wall. Estrogen […]

10 Energy Boosting Tricks

It is three o’clock. You have not done half of the things on your list and you are completely exhausted. And not to mention what expects you once you get home. Sounds familiar? Our modern life insists that we burn a candle both ways. Most of us came up with our personal tricks to boost […]

Cinnamon Use and Abuse

Young people have been doing stupid and dangerous things for ever, to their mothers’ despair. Now, as we are finding out from the media, they are swallowing dry cinnamon, ending often in the hospital for getting the fine powder of this ancient spice in their lungs. How this particular madness came to be is not […]

Vitamin Supplements – To Do or Not To Do?

We have totally dysfunctional relationship with our vitamins. Most people think that they can live on macaroni and cheese and take care of all that healthy stuff by popping a multivitamin every day. Others pop vitamins anyway, just in case, even if they eat normal, healthy food. About 40 percent Americans are taking multivitamins daily, […]

Exercise and Alzheimer’s

Our nation is aging. The old age brings with it all the pains and aches and related health problems and issues. Of all of them, Alzheimer’s disease is the most feared.   Slow but inevitable loss of memory and a sense of self is the most alarming of all old-age related diseases. We do not […]