Totally Fit Spark Plug – Fat

Hey Champion,

Fat is necessary for survival. Women tend to accumulate fat in their hips, buttocks and thighs and men tend to accumulate it in their abdomen.

Fat is stored in special fat cells called adipocytes located all over the body.

Adipocytes get large by feeding them. If you eat more calories than you burn, some of the excess carbohydrates will be stored as sugar, or glucose–called glycogen–in the muscles, and the rest of the excess will be stored as fat in the fat cells.

Aerobic exercise stimulates the adipocytes to release lots of fat. That fat will be burned by the muscles during exercise, and if not, it returns to the adipocytes for storage.

Bottom Line: Do aerobic exercises.

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:22.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

If we call ourselves followers of Christ we don’t have to live with stress. Stress is the result of thinking a fear-based thought for an extended period of time.

Stress is a choice. You can choose what you want to think about. Paul instructed us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Exercise of the Week: When a thought comes into your mind that is contrary to the truth, do not meditate on it but smother it with a truth from God’s Word.


Don Nava is a Kingdom Life Coach. A Kingdom Coach helps individuals integrate the principles of the Kingdom of God into their personal, private and public life. Kingdom Coaching is teaching, mentoring and discipling a person to have a kingdom mindset so that they can live the More Abundant Life that Jesus promised in John 10:10. Don Nava has served as a coach for the past 35 years. He started his coaching career in Silicon Valley, coaching executives at Cisco Systems, Silicon Graphics, ATT, NIKE and many venture capitalists. After years of research, study and observation, Coach Nava determined that there are several underlying mental, emotional, directional and spiritual issues that are keeping people from being physically fit. As a result, he designed and developed the Totally Fit Life System which has been a catalyst of transformation for thousands of men, women and children. You can follow me on Twitter: @CoachNava

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Written by Don Nava
Medical Writer & Editor

Don Nava is a Kingdom Life Coach. A Kingdom Coach helps individuals integrate the principles of the Kingdom of God into their personal, private and public life. Kingdom Coaching is teaching, mentoring and discipling a person to have a kingdom mindset so that they can live the More Abundant Life that Jesus promised in John 10:10. Don Nava has served as a coach for the past 35 years. He started his coaching career in Silicon Valley, coaching executives at Cisco Systems, Silicon Graphics, ATT, NIKE and many venture capitalists. After years of research, study and observation, Coach Nava determined that there are several underlying mental, emotional, directional and spiritual issues that are keeping people from being physically fit. As a result, he designed and developed the Totally Fit Life System which has been a catalyst of transformation for thousands of men, women and children. You can follow me on Twitter: @CoachNava

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