What Is A COVID-19 Human Elisa Kit And How Effective Is It?

The Coronavirus has been devastating in most countries nowadays, and a solution is just yet to be found. Even after doing several precautions like canceling flights and social distancing, the number of people getting infected daily is still steadily increasing. While some countries have been successful in their attempts to flatten the curve, a lot of countries are still taking their tolls because of the virus.

As the war against the virus is still erupting in some parts of the world, scientists and medicinal companies are working around the clock to finding a vaccine or a cure for the epidemic. While mass testing is still a struggle in some places, test kits are just starting to be created and made available for the public like the IgG/IgM COVID-19 rapid test. One of these Covid-19 kits is the ELISA kit.


Elisa Kits for the Infected


The researchers coming from Mount Sinai Health System have already announced that they created a test kit that determines if you are infected with Covid-19 or have been previously infected.

The ELISA kit, which is an abbreviation of Serological Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, is a test, in which it determines whether you have or not the antibodies   for SARS-Cov-2.

As the pandemic is still raging, the demand for ELISA kits is also getting higher as it is the kit that is most commonly used in identifying the number of infected individuals as well as those people who have asymptomatic symptoms of the virus. The RT-PCR tests only can indicate virus material in the person’s system, which makes it harder for doctors to see if the person is infected or has been infected before. While this test is still being used globally nowadays, the arrival of the ELISA test kits is a big deal in terms of testing and data compiling.

ELISA is a serology test, which is a test that is used to determine if the person has been exposed to viral material by giving data on how the immune system responded. Although the RT-PCR test is also a serology test, ELISA can determine if the person is infected or has been infected before, which is a massive advantage for medical personnel.

With the ELISA, medical professionals from around the world would have a better understanding and, ultimately, a better chance of fighting against Covid-19. That said, ELISA has an excellent way of identifying infected individuals and also seeing if a person is immune to it. This way, a lot of medical workers can go back to their jobs while being confident about not getting infected themselves.

The ELISA could also help create a cure for Covid-19 through convalescent plasma. Convalescent plasma is done by getting a sample of antibodies from the blood of recovered individuals and using those to create a cure. These antibodies can be found through serology tests like ELISA. Medical practitioners around the world have been working and hopeful that they can create a treatment for Covid-19.


Test Kits Priorities


While these kits have proven to be useful in identifying infected individuals and are undoubtedly good news for everyone, not everybody can get access to them due to limited supplies. This brings us to questions like: Who is prioritized with them? Or does everyone who has one of the symptoms like dry cough or fever can get access to ELISA kits?

Although a lot of people around the world are asking these questions, it is essential to take note that you need an appointment from a doctor to get access to these kits. Because of the shortage of personnel, only a limited number of people can get an appointment with a doctor. Not to mention that the lack of protective gear is a huge problem, causing hospitals to either cut their staff or let them go to work while risking them to get infected with the virus.

If you managed to get an appointment from a doctor, you would need to go under several tests if your symptoms lead to Covid-19. A mild fever or dry cough alone couldn’t make you eligible for the test kit. Take note that the doctor attending you would need to order the kits first, which might take several days from your day of the appointment.

However, if you have a history of having contact with an infected individual or travel history earlier this year, you can get prioritized. This is because you are likely infected with the virus more than others. This is not to discourage you from going to the doctor, however. If you feel that you are infected, it is always best to go to your doctor to check on your health.




The ELISA kit has been proven to be useful in curtailing the spread of the virus. With the right manufacturing and distribution, it can help a lot of people around the world as it helps to identify infected and asymptomatic carriers.




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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

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