Multiple Vitamins Or A Multivitamin: Which Is Right For You?

The market of vitamins can seem like an oversaturated one. With so many options, how do you know if you’re choosing something that works for you?

Vitamins are beneficial for many reasons. Some may remove toxins from the body, some aid in immune health, and some help us get nutrients that would be difficult to get normally.

Vitamins can play a significant role in staying healthy. And staying healthy has benefits such as improved mood, better physical health, and in some cases, a better life insurance rate.

You probably don’t know what to expect from life insurance interview questions, but they will assess your risk level. Being healthy lowers your risk level, therefore upping your chances of getting a policy with a lower rate.

With all this in mind, what vitamins should you be choosing? Do you need to be taking multiple vitamins each day, or will a multivitamin suffice?


What are multivitamins?

Multivitamins are pills that provide a low dose of essential vitamins and minerals to the body daily. Rather than one specific vitamin for your body, multivitamins contain multiple sources of vitamins all in one pill.

Though not all multivitamins are the same, most contain common ingredients such as vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

Each of these ingredients is vital to our bodies. Here’s why:

  • Magnesium is essential for healthy bones and energy production.
  • Calcium is vital for strong bones and teeth.
  • Iron can give you increased energy, better brain function, and healthier red blood cells.
  • Vitamin C helps your immune system, aids in wound healing, maintains cartilage, improves collagen levels, and helps with the absorption of iron.  
  • Potassium helps your heartbeat stay regular, your nerves to function, your muscles to contract, and helps move nutrients into cells and waste products out.

There are many multivitamins available, and not all may include the vitamins you’re looking for. You may still opt for a multivitamin and decide to take the other vitamins you’re lacking separately, or you may decide you would rather take multiple vitamins and only get what your body needs.


Benefits of Multiple Vitamins

It’s certainly easier to take one single pill and call it a day. However, if you’re wanting to really target your specific needs, you might be better off taking multiple vitamins a day.

Compared to a multivitamin that may have more or less than you need to take, this ensures you are getting all the vitamins your body needs, and the regiment is catered to you.  

For example, if your main concern was boosting your immunity and you didn’t need much else, you wouldn’t get everything you need from a multivitamin. This would lead you to have to take extra pills on top of the multivitamin you’re already taking.

Instead, you could opt for a regime of vitamins made specifically for immunity boosting. However, you may still want the benefits of a multivitamin along with other added vitamins for a stronger immune system added in. It all depends on what you feel is best for your body.


Boosting Immune Health: Multiple Vitamins or a Multivitamin

Are you still considering the idea of wanting to boost immune health? You can compare the options of taking multiple vitamins a day tailored to this want with taking a multivitamin with extra vitamins added in.

The key vitamins to take for immune health are:

  • Vitamin C — Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune system boosters you can take. It has incredible benefits such as increasing the production of white blood cells, thus helping the body fight off infection.
  • Vitamin E — Vitamin E is another immune booster that is extremely helpful in fighting off viruses and bacteria.
  • Zinc — Zinc is necessary for your body to produce new immune system cells, making it extremely important to your immune system.
  • Vitamin D — There are many benefits to vitamin D you may know about, but it is also great for your immune system, helping it to function properly.
  • Vitamin B6 — Vitamin B6 can help your immune system work better overall by making new red blood cells and transporting oxygen throughout the body.

With all these immunity boosters to stay healthy in mind, the typical multivitamin includes only vitamin C. This means if immune health is your main concern, you’ll be left taking around four other pills to get the benefits you want.

There is also the option of finding a multivitamin made specifically for immune health. There are variations on the average multivitamin, and some are made with a specific target, such as boosting your immunity.

These may be an easier option for someone looking for all the benefits possible to strengthen their immune system while taking the least amount of pills.  

If you are someone who perhaps doesn’t want every vitamin included, you may benefit from only individually taking the options you feel will work best for you.


The Vitamin Option That Meets Your Needs

There are a lot of products on the market in terms of vitamins. It can feel overwhelming to know what you need and the best way to get it.

Choosing a multivitamin can have many benefits such as fewer pills to take and more vitamins packed into one. However, selecting multivitamins may leave you lacking in some vitamins you still need or have you taking ones you don’t.  

Even specialized multivitamins still may not meet all your needs or exceed them, depending on your situation.

On the other hand, multiple vitamins do allow you to take exactly what you need but will leave you with multiple pills to take daily. This can be difficult, and for those who perhaps struggle with swallowing or taking pills in general, it may even be stressful.

Vitamins are important for your body and for you to feel your best and to stay healthy. Staying healthy can impact your life in many different ways, even your finances. If you’re healthy, your health insurance rates will be lower.  

Determining what your body needs first, then deciding what vitamins will meet those needs, can help you decide if you’re better off taking a multivitamin or multiple vitamins.


Author Bio:   Alexandra Arcand writes and researches for the life insurance comparison site, She considers taking her vitamins an essential part of her day.



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