Back Shoulder Joints

Our Back Shoulder Joints articles on

Chronic Hamstring Injuries

Your hamstring muscles are in the back of the thigh and can be damaged by inadequate warm-up before exercising, lack of lower back flexibility or abnormal biomechanics.   Mot chronic hamstring injuries cone from improperly rehabilitated injuries or traumas over a long period of time. Hamstring flexibility or lack of increases the possibility of small […]

Improving Balance

‘Stand on one foot for 15 seconds with your eyes closed.’ Can you do it? If you are between 25 and 40 you will probably experience some balance problems. It is a fact that after the age of twenty-five your sense of balance starts to decline. The danger of falls increases even when climbing a […]

Increasing Flexibility as You Age

If you are doing exercises without stretching and balancing, you are missing the flexibility component in your exercise programs. Flexibility gives you immediate and long-term benefits with fewer injuries and less pain. To help increase your flexibility as you age, work in balance and flexibility sessions every week. Three to six sessions a week would […]

Orthopedic Disorders

Anything that is concerned with muscles, ligaments and joints is considered orthopedic. Disorders are ailments, injuries or diseases that cause knee problems, whiplash, dislocated shoulder, torn cartilages, foot pain and fibromyalgia. These are only a few of the known orthopedic disorders. There are as many treatments for orthopedic disorders as there are problems and injuries […]

Lube For Our Joints – Not So Farfetched

How many times did you wake up with stiff joints, thinking how nice it would be if we could just add some lube and make them run smoother, just like an old car. The researchers from the Rhode Island Hospital found the way to do just that, with the help of some mice. Scientists have […]

The Importance of Flexibility

When I was a young girl I desperately wanted to be able to do the splits. My mother told me to everyday go down into the split position just as far as my body would let me and eventually I would make it all the way down to the floor. It worked. When you stretch […]

A Sprained Ankle

Sprains are almost as painful as breaks and can actually be stretched or torn ligaments. These ligaments connect your bones to one another and keep them from moving out of their proper places. Ankle sprains are fairly common and take place when you rotate your ankle too far out of the natural position. This can […]

Cherries Against Gout Attack

If you are one of eight million American who have gout, forget about your ibuprofen and load your grocery cart with cherries. The latest study conducted by the Boston University researchers confirmed what many gout sufferers already knew: cherries are very good at preventing gout flare-ups.

Ligaments In The Knee

There are four knee ligaments: the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the two major ligaments in the knee. It connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia) in the knee. ACL injuries are a common cause of disability in the knee in the U.S., more common in women than men, 95,000 […]

Benefits Of A Foam Roller For Tight Muscles

Using foam rollers to self massage can have several benefits. The first one is cost; you can get similar results of a sports massage without the expense and time of making an appointment, going there and sitting until it’s your turn and then paying up at the end of the session. Sports massages can cost […]