Back Shoulder Joints

Our Back Shoulder Joints articles on

Juvenile Arthritis

Juvenile arthritis aka, pediatric arthritis, affects nearly three hundred thousand young persons under the age of eighteen. Ambulatory care visits for pediatric arthritis and rheumatologic conditions averaged 827,000 annually, juvenile arthritis is one of the most common childhood diseases in the United States.

How Much Calcium is too Much?

Americans are fond of their vitamin supplements. We take them as sort of insurance policy against possible deficiencies caused by the “on the go” diet of fast food and prepackaged frozen meals. Even health-conscious people, especially women, who eat carefully prepared and planned meals, and who avoid taking multivitamin supplements, start taking extra calcium when […]

Is Going Barefoot Good for You?

To shoe or not to shoe, that is the question. Well, ok, that was “corny”, but we are talking about feet. Man has walked the Earth for a long time, but he has only done it recently in shoes and  sandals. So apparently you can live without shoes, but they may not let you into […]

Running Form

As with all exercise, form in running is essential in creating a safe workout and ensuring your body has beneficial results with no extra strain from improper methods. Well, probably the most important part of a proper running form is to look where you are going. You wouldn”t want that cute young neighbor to see […]

Miserable Malalignment Syndrome

Miserable Malalignment Syndrome is a term used to describe a set of anatomical changes to the legs that cause knee pain and instability. The most common change being the internal rotation of the femur (thigh bone), this rotation usually occurs at the distal end where the femur forms the knee joint. Secondly is an inward […]

Steroids Useless for Lower Back Pain

Many doctors prefer to prescribe epidural steroid injections to treat the lower back pain than pain killers, because of less potential side effects. This is particularly true with the pain caused by lumbosacral radiculopathy. Radiculopathy or irritation of the nerves caused by injury or wear and tear of the outer ring of the discs between […]

Summer Sports Injuries

Summer is almost here again, and with it comes the fun of playing outside. Unfortunately, along with the playing come the injuries. Some summer activities include hiking, jogging, bicycling, softball, football, basketball, skateboarding, maybe even some skydiving and bungee jumping. All of these are fun activities that many people enjoy. But also, all of these […]

Arthritis and Food

May is Arthritis Awareness Month. But, for people suffering from arthritis, every month is arthritis month. The pain can be excruciating and debilitating and it can completely run person”s life. Arthritis is not a simple disease. It actually includes more than 100 disorders that cause inflammation of the joints, for a number of reasons.

We Know We Have Fascia Only When it Hurts

Our body consists of bones, muscles, organs, arteries and veins. And then there is everything else, the tissue that connects those muscles bones, nerves and blood vessels. The fascial tissue is connected into a large net covering our entire body. But, you may ask, if it is so important, how so we never hear about […]

Lower Back pain

Back Pain and Diet

Acute or chronic, back pain can be agony. It affects almost everyone at some time and it has a range of causes. It is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of a problem. Mostly, back pain is caused by the problem with the spinal column. It can be disk degeneration, wearing down of […]