Flying With CBD: Are You Allowed To Fly With CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is non-hallucinogenic oil that is extracted from the hemp plant.   It is a great all natural supplement and legal in most states to use, sell and ship.

CBD oil has been shown to ease stress and soothe pain.   Many of us could use some stress and anxiety relief and some pain management when we fly.   You all know what I mean, travel is stressful and those seats are very confining.

Unfortunately, the TSA is still a “no-go” with CBD oil.

The TSA makes no distinction between hemp and marijuana.

The Transportation Security Administration says that the oil is still very much banned and cannot be brought on to the premises of a plane. The TSA and airports are under federal regulations.   So even though you are not breaking the law in your state the airlines won’t see CBD as legal.

The TSA is not looking for illegal substances they are there for security to make our flights safe.   However, if an illegal substance is found, you are going to have nothing but difficulty.

If you want to have access to your CBD at your destination you can ship it on ahead.   That way it is waiting for you when you arrive.   And there is no law preventing you from taking CBD before your flight.   But for now, don’t take your CBD to the airport.

Key Points:

  • 1Do not take CBD oil on flights in the US or on International flights.
  • 2American airports operate under federal law.
  • 3If a TSA officer finds an illegal substance they will alert law enforcement officers.

CBD is a wonderful addition to your daily supplements, and it’s only natural that you’ll want to take it with you on trips and vacations. Unfortunately, America’s airports and airplanes are not somewhere you want to carry CBD.


See the original at:

Purium CBD+, organic, non-GMO, grown, non-chemical extraction, grown and bottled in the USA.


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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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