Biblical Decision Making Models For Business – Finding God’s Will


Finding God’s Will – Developing A Process For Making Biblically-Based Business Decisions

So, of course God’s Word is critical for us to use in making  decisions, but the Lord has given us many other tools as  well. And just like building something, we need to use ALL  the tools at our disposal to do it right. A hammer should not  be used to do the work of a screwdriver, a wrench should  not be used to replace a saw, etc. Each tool has its specific  purpose- and despite common belief, even duct tape cannot  do everything!

The 4 Step Biblical Decision Making Model
1. God’s Word
2. Prayer
3. Godly Counsel
4. Personal Experience

So the question may be asked, is there a particular order  of priority for the tools I should use when making a key  decision? In other words, should I always pray first, or seek  Godly counsel first, or go to God’s Word first, etc?

While others may feel differently, it is the opinion of this  author that whenever possible, we should first seek to  hear from God through His Word. God’s Word is the only  unchanging tool available in our toolbox. The biggest  challenge in this regard is knowing which tool to choose  (meaning which verse(s) apply to your situation you are  facing.)

Too often, we first rely on our previous experience in making  a decision. We have been through “this” before, so we fall  back on the “flesh” in addressing a particular decision. After  all, since we have been here before, there is no real need  to go to God’s Word, to pray, or seek Godly counsel from  others- right? Besides all that, who has the time to go to all  that length in making a key decision?

The problem with NOT going to God’s Word first in most  situations, is that when we rely on our experience, or even  from the experience of others, we tend to approach things with  a very “biased” point of view- that is from the perspective of  our own preference as to how a given situation should run  out. Even in our prayer time, quite often our prayers can be  “influenced” by our own desires, hopes, opinions, etc.

So, whenever possible, and it almost always is, we should  FIRST go to God’s Word to seek direction. Perhaps it would  first be wise to pray to the Lord, asking Him to specifically  direct you to the Scriptures He would have you read and  apply in your situation.

As you then read His Word, pray His Word back to Him.  Read His Word aloud as a prayer. God loves this. After all,  the Bible is His promise to us- and we are simply letting Him  know we are taking Him at His Word. He tells us over and  over in His Word to do this- to stand on His promises, etc.  And God cannot break His promise to us- thus He is bound  by His Word to do what it says.

Additionally, we should seek the wise and godly counsel of  others who can give us insight into what God might have us  decide.

When you see alignment and sense a consistent message in  all the tools, chances are real good you are hearing from God  on your decision.

The challenge for Christian business Owners and leaders is  that they have to overcome huge obstacles in truly living out  their faith in the marketplace.
They must constantly battle a world that does business with  a very short term in mind- quite often no longer term than  the next 90 days (think of any public company- they are  concerned with quarterly results for their shareholders.)

The worldly way of doing business is not the least bit  concerned with doing business with any sense of “eternal”  consequences whatsoever.
Consider what is taught in business schools at our  universities. They teach the primary purpose of business is  to make money- period! If there is any reason to focus on  “serving” others, it is primarily so that this approach will  help generate and maintain happy customers, thus enhancing  profits. Our business schools really do not understand the  Biblical mandate of “honoring others over ourselves,” or  “considering the needs of others” before our own. And yet,  these biblical principles, when applied, absolutely, positively,  generate happy and satisfied customers. The big difference  between the “worldly” perspective and the “biblical” one in  this regard is that we are to serve others because God has  told us to do so- not because it will be beneficial to us in  business.

Find out how to put together a biblical “decision tree” in our next article.


Ray is the Co-Founder of Truth At Work. Prior to this role, he served as CEO until January 2016. In his role of Co-Founder, Ray is responsible for building high level strategic relationships on behalf of Truth At Work, facilitates several Round Table Groups, helps establish new markets, develops new curriculum, as well as serving as host of Truth At Work’s “Bottom Line Faith” podcast series. Additionally, Ray is in the process of writing two new books that will be released in the coming months. Ray is also a highly sought after speaker at churches and retreats across America, where for years he has challenged followers of Christ to integrate their faith in and through the marketplace on a daily basis. He is also part of the speaking faculty for Orlando, Florida based “Man In the Mirror” ministry where he conducts seminars and retreats across the country.

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Written by Ray Hilbert
Medical Writer & Editor

Ray is the Co-Founder of Truth At Work. Prior to this role, he served as CEO until January 2016. In his role of Co-Founder, Ray is responsible for building high level strategic relationships on behalf of Truth At Work, facilitates several Round Table Groups, helps establish new markets, develops new curriculum, as well as serving as host of Truth At Work’s “Bottom Line Faith” podcast series. Additionally, Ray is in the process of writing two new books that will be released in the coming months. Ray is also a highly sought after speaker at churches and retreats across America, where for years he has challenged followers of Christ to integrate their faith in and through the marketplace on a daily basis. He is also part of the speaking faculty for Orlando, Florida based “Man In the Mirror” ministry where he conducts seminars and retreats across the country.

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