Hey You, In The Matters of You,
Did you know the average Fortune 500 CEO reads 40 to 60 books a year? People at the top of their game are constantly learning about their game. . . Are you studying the game of life?
What are you doing to learn out to learn how to live healthier and more abundant? Are you still relying on want you learned in college and high school?
I don’t know about you but I don’t really use either of these in my career now and what I thought I knew about abundance and living healthier in these years had to change for me to make it too today.
Over a decade ago we though the human brain was finite in its capacity and that when you started to loose that capacity it was all down hill. . . Now scientists are finding the brain is actually capable of neuro-elasticity. . . We can increase our capacity and grow and learn new things. . . beyond our old capacity.
Ask yourself a couple of the following questions:
How can I be 10 times as healthy as a I am now?
How do I create 10 times the abundance I have right now?
What do I need to learn to create this?
What books do I need to read?
Then do it and watch your life transform.