Heart Disease

Our Heart Disease articles on Healthstatus.com

What Are The Best Portable EKG Machines?

The waveform of EKG machines is increasingly being used by medical experts for diagnosing heart health. Our heart sends an electronic signal every time it pumps and the EKG Machine records the pattern of this signal. The EKG device has come in as a blessing for patients diagnosed with cardiac issues like Mobitz Type I […]

What You Need To Know About Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries — the blood vessels that carry nutrients and oxygen around your body — due to a build-up of plaque. Plaque is formed in the arteries due to a combination of cholesterol, and calcium developing over time, which is why atherosclerosis typically develops as people become older. The build-up […]

How Much Do You Know About Heart Attack And Cardiac Arrest?

Good health is on a lot of minds these days. Even before coronavirus was a thing, people were giving thought to healthy living. They were thinking about things like exercise, changing their diets, and being careful about drug and alcohol use. The interesting thing is that a lot of us make health choices based on […]

How To Respond To A Cardiac Emergency

Cardiac emergencies are an incredibly common occurrence. Each year, 475,000 Americans die from a cardiac arrest and another 805,000 have a heart attack. This threat is so prevalent that heart disease-related complications are one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

ZOLL LifeVest: Real-Life Lifesaver

“I thought I fell asleep and just fell on the floor.” That’s what Gary Devol, 70, said of his first sudden cardiac arrest experience. Thankfully he was wearing the ZOLL LifeVest, a wearable defibrillator that can provide a constant safeguard against sudden cardiac death. LifeVest is designed to detect a life-threatening rapid heart rhythm and […]

7 Tips for Improving Blood Circulation Naturally

The blood circulatory system is a vital part of our body. Its role is to deliver nutrients alongside oxygen to our cells and vital organs. We need to have healthy blood circulation in order to fight infections, to stabilize our body temperature and to ensure our bodies function properly. Many of the primary functions will […]

Pulmonary Hypertension

Diet soda

Drinking 2 or more Diet Beverages a Day Linked to High Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack

Mayo Clinic Research Uses Artificial Intelligence to Develop Inexpensive, Widely Available Early Detector of Silent Heart Disease

Understanding Aneurysms

Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to all areas of your body.   If an artery weakens a balloon like bulge can develop.   This bulge is an aneurysm.   You may have an aneurysm and have no symptoms or knowledge of it.   Aneurysms can occur in any arteries but most aneurysms […]