Our PCOS articles on Healthstatus.com

You Have Hair Where? PCOS and Hair Growth/Loss

Today’s society expects women to have perfectly smooth, hairless skin. For some women, this is a natural state of their bodies, but for others it requires plucking, shaving, bleaching, waxing, and even the use of lasers to achieve. Trying to get that smooth look may be exasperating for some women, and not understanding why they […]

Stressed Out? Tired? PCOS May Be the Cause

Sure, everyone gets tired at some point. No matter where you are in life, be it in school, working on your career, or taking care of your family, the daily tasks that you are expected to complete can add up. This does not necessarily mean that you have a health issue; it may simply mean […]

Think PCOS Only Occurs in Adult Women? Think Again…

Commonly, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is viewed as a reproductive condition in adult women. This general idea of the condition is one that is supported by the fact that infertility in adult women is one of the most common and noticeable symptoms that the Syndrome produces. Because it affects between five and ten percent […]

PCOS and Lean Women: Myths vs. Reality

Losing weight, and keeping it off, is difficult enough in and of itself. Anyone who has ever embarked upon a diet or paid for a gym membership can tell you that much. Things only become more complicated, and sometimes more frustrating, when you add a medical condition to the mix, a condition that could potentially […]

What Causes PCOS—And What Can You Do About It?

Women who have ever struggled with infertility, with problematic pregnancies, or with hormonal imbalances are probably all too familiar with the term Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), but it’s something the rest of us ought to know about, too. PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) happens to be the most common of all women’s hormonal disorders, with some […]

PCOS and Nutrition: How Eating Right Can Make All the Difference!

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) has many different symptoms–so many, in fact, that it can prove rather difficult to pin down and diagnose sometimes. For many women, it is a cause of infertility or of pregnancy complications; for some, it can cause skin problems, obesity, liver disease, emotional disorders, heart disease, and more. But if the […]

PCOS and Weight Loss: Fact vs. Fiction

We hear all the time that losing weight is as straightforward as dieting and engaging in regular exercise–not necessarily an “easy” fix, but one that we can all more or less wrap our heads around. For many women, however, the cause of obesity is not strictly an unhealthy lifestyle, though certainly, that can be a […]

PCOS and Stress: How They Relate and What You Can Do About It!

The relationship between stress and sickness is a vicious cycle. We all know it well: Stress has a way of causing us to feel ill, or to become more prone to developing a sickness of some sort. Then, once we’re sick, we feel stressed about the work we might be missing or anxious about getting […]

PCOS and Sleep Apnea: Is There a Link?

It’s remarkable how complex, how utterly interconnected and intricate, the human body really is. How often have you found it to be the case that an affliction or abnormality in one part of the body ultimately affects the functioning of other bodily systems? You might be surprised at some of the cause-and-effect relationships that exist […]

What Women Need to Know About PCOS and Pregnancy

Seldom does a woman or a couple experience a more joyful season in life than when they learn that their attempts to conceive a child have been successful–that she is pregnant, with a little one scheduled to enter the world in just a matter of months. And yet, with great joy there can sometimes come […]