Jesus responded, “Haven’t I handpicked you, the Twelve? Still, one of you is a devil!” He was referring to Judas, son of Simon Iscariot. This man—one from the Twelve!—was even then getting ready to betray him.  John 6:70-71
Judas was handpicked by Jesus to be a follower. We don’t know when he made the fateful decision to betray his friend and leader. All we know is that he did, and became a glaring example of how to blow up our lives. So often the Scriptures about Judas are the proof text for betrayal, for deceit and for back-stabbing. But within the story is also an incredible example of mercy and grace. Think about it; Jesus knew Judas would betray him, BUT HE HANDPICKED HIM ANYWAY!
Jesus called him a “devil” in this passage; the original, Greek meaning of the word was ‘to oppose the cause of God’.
So let’s get this straight; Jesus knew Judas would betray him and that he was opposed to the cause of God the Father. Yet, Jesus intentionally chose a relationship with Judas. If Jesus had mercy on and a relationship with the guy who would ultimately get him killed, don’t you think he could have mercy on us?
You need to know that you’ve been handpicked. You’ve been selected based on no merit of your own, loved in spite of your bad behavior, graced in spite of some future sin. Jesus knows our past, present and future, the Father forgives it, and we are free to live in light of Grace.
We are handpicked to be in a relationship with Him!
You Are Handpicked by Jesus! #HealthStatus
If Jesus had mercy on and a relationship with the guy who would ultimately get him killed, don’t you think he could have mercy on us?
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