
Our Safety articles on

Your Own Health and Safety

Why It’s So Important to Get Medical Attention After a Car Accident

After a car accident, you should immediately call an ambulance or at least schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. This is true even if you feel like you haven’t been injured in the accident. But why is this the case? And what should you do after that? Your Own Health and […]

What to Do If You Suspect a Misdiagnosis

Doctors and nurses are there to help us, and most of the time, they do an amazing job. But sometimes, they get things wrong or mix things up, ultimately putting your health in jeopardy. If you’re misdiagnosed, it could trigger a host of negative consequences, negatively affecting your life in many ways. But what exactly […]

What Does Medical Malpractice Look Like

What Does Medical Malpractice Look Like?

Medical malpractice is an umbrella term that includes misdiagnosis, errors, and other forms of egregious harm done to patients by medical professionals. While the most notorious cases of medical malpractice seem obvious even to laypeople, it’s important to realize that medical malpractice exists in more mundane forms as well. What exactly does medical malpractice look […]