Bacteria is living in your clothes and on your sheets and towels. There are ways to prevent these items from becoming a health hazard but first you need to be aware that the bacteria exists.
Tossing your undies is something that everyone will need to do. You should do it quite often actually. Some people never get around to doing it. Underwear needs to be thrown out every year because otherwise it could lead to things like urinary tract infection as well as other infections. If you do not throw away your undies and you decide to keep them, then you are doing so at your own risk because many things can happen that lead to issues down the road. While you are using undies, you should make sure to put them in the washing machine on the hot setting. This is the best option. Even after washing them very good, our underwear still contains a lot of bacteria.
Another thing that people need to wash is pillows. Those can become filled with bacteria.
There was a study done in the UK that showed men wear underwear two days before washing them. This is not a good thing for men. Our dirty habits are allowing bacteria to thrive.
We spend a lot of time in bed, so we want to make sure to wash our sheets every single week, in order to keep the bacteria away.
Undies are a home for bacteria! OOF! A good reason to go shopping and buy a new drawer full! #HealthStatus
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Key Points:
- 1The Good Housekeeping Institute recommends discarding underwear yearly to avoid health risks.
- 2Even regular and vigorous washing in hot water cannot entirely prevent bacterial buildup on underwear.
- 3The body harbors bacteria, and failure to regularly launder or change cloth we come into regular contact with is risky.