The basis for this whole talk was how neuroscience needs to be discovering how neurons react to stimuli and activities not on mice studies. The money spent on these studies of mice and other animals is a poor substitute for using the actual human brain in these endeavors.
The author goes thru a number of stages in the future which shows a progression from today thru the years of 2060. It logically shows what might be a progressive way of getting to study neuron activities in the human brain. It shows us the fallacy of using mice or other mechanism to actually discover the science behind what we feel and what the connection is to health and our future well being.
The presentation shows that neuroscience activities today is heading in the wrong direction and needs to spend more time on certain aspects of these activities. One of them, is to to examine the brain neurons of healthy individuals and not merely those of sick individuals,. Using this approach we can develop a method of examining all human transactions ion the brain . It can eventual help on such things as ADHD and Parkinsons and find that there are several causes not just one and that individual medications and health treatments may be made for these specific causes if the approach is changed.
Key Points:
- 1There are billions of dollars spent every year on Neuroscience research that does not actually have significant impact on improving the outcomes of patients with ADHD and Parkinsons.
- 2We currently have no way of measuring neural activity except by proxies such as FMRIs. Proxies are unable to measure electrical activity between neurons, which is critical for medical advancements.
- 3The future of neuroscience is being able to study electrical activity in a healthy human brain, this will give us the ability to define diseases on the basis of neural pathology.