Act Like It’s Your Last Day On Earth

I’m not trying to be morbid here, but what if today was your last day on earth? Would you have said what you said to your spouse? Child? Co-Worker? Yourself? Would you have gone to bed angry last night or wasted one minute complaining about useless things that actually mean nothing?

How many days have you wasted over the last year murmuring, gossiping, envying or possibly even hating something or someone? If you sit back and really think on this for a minute, you’ll easily see that you’ve wasted precious time and energy on things that you wouldn’t even give a second thought to if this were your last day on the planet.

Think about how quickly your kids blazed through school and moved on to live lives of their own. How fast did you or will you suddenly turn 21, 30, 40, etc.? These milestone ages come and go so quickly, but what was your quality of life at each of these stages? Did you enjoy that time or waste it by having a poor, unappreciative attitude? How much regret do you have?

It’s not necessary any longer and all that WILL change today if you want it to.

Try this. Each day for the next week, upon awakening, act as if it’s your last. Say things to people that you always wished you had. Enjoy quality time with the people who mean the most to you. Invest in someone else’s life by imparting some wisdom that was passed on to you. Just LIVE for the next seven days. Of course, do it all in a positive way: Don’t go rob a bank or cuss out your boss, because it’s probably not your last day on earth and that’s obviously a giant step in the wrong direction!

But you get the point. We only have so many days to fully live out what God intends for our lives, so why would we want to live them any other way than joyfully, and with gratitude and thankfulness for all that we’ve been given?

My hope is that you enjoy many more days on this earth. And I also hope that those days are ones that you enjoy and live to the fullest.



Clark Bartram has earned his reputation as "America’s Most Trusted Fitness Professional." In everything he does, Clark puts forth 100% in the hopes that he can benefit men and women who care enough about themselves and the people they love to do what it takes to "Live the Lifestyle." As a professional fitness model, Clark has appeared easily on the cover of over 130 fitness publications and is considered one of the most successful models in the industry. As a personal trainer, Clark has helped thousands of people transform their bodies and their lives, and is an ISSA Master Trainer. He is also the author of the how-to guide, You Too Can Be A Fitness Model, Spiritually Fit, A Fitness Program You Can Have Faith In and his most recent best selling book called Where Your Mind Goes, You Go.

31. May 2016
31. May 2016
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Written by Clark Bartram
Medical Writer & Editor

Clark Bartram has earned his reputation as "America’s Most Trusted Fitness Professional." In everything he does, Clark puts forth 100% in the hopes that he can benefit men and women who care enough about themselves and the people they love to do what it takes to "Live the Lifestyle." As a professional fitness model, Clark has appeared easily on the cover of over 130 fitness publications and is considered one of the most successful models in the industry. As a personal trainer, Clark has helped thousands of people transform their bodies and their lives, and is an ISSA Master Trainer. He is also the author of the how-to guide, You Too Can Be A Fitness Model, Spiritually Fit, A Fitness Program You Can Have Faith In and his most recent best selling book called Where Your Mind Goes, You Go.

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