It’s Time to Make Your Sleep Important

Hey You,

In the Matters of You.

We in western civilization have celebrated the “work ethic” to much. Yes that’s right I said it. . To the detriment of our health. Americans have accepted no celebrated the sacrifice of their sleep and therefore their health for the accomplishment of more.

All nighters  for work and study are normal parts of our way to achieve our goals. There is a basic problem with this attitude. . . It just might be killing us.

Studies show that sleep duration affect the endocrine, metabolic, and neurological functions that are critical to the maintenance of individual health. You know the things we need in order to produce and drive to all those goals we have lost sleep for?

If left untreated, sleep disorders and chronic short sleep are associated with an increased risk of: heart disease. high blood pressure. These  are some really big reasons to make sleep a priority

We need quality sleep and and the refreshment it gives to our body. . . Our batteries need to recharge and by doing some recharging we can get more done in less time and still conquer the day.

Invest in your goals and by all means invest in your sleep.


Tony Scelzo is the voice of HealthStatus and our blog You Matters. He is the author of Belay Your Day, a daily guide to Hack Life and The Ultimate Tech Start-Up Manual. He is business coach to over 150 businesses, a consultant and entrepreneur that has founded 4 businesses and been on 9 business teams. A self proclaimed self improvement junky, he has read over 500 books on the subject of mental health and personal wellness. Over the 10 years of training and coaching he has become obsessed with the simple ways to “hack” life for the good. Simple short-cuts to live better.

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Written by Tony Scelzo
Medical Writer & Editor

Tony Scelzo is the voice of HealthStatus and our blog You Matters. He is the author of Belay Your Day, a daily guide to Hack Life and The Ultimate Tech Start-Up Manual. He is business coach to over 150 businesses, a consultant and entrepreneur that has founded 4 businesses and been on 9 business teams. A self proclaimed self improvement junky, he has read over 500 books on the subject of mental health and personal wellness. Over the 10 years of training and coaching he has become obsessed with the simple ways to “hack” life for the good. Simple short-cuts to live better.

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