Year: 2011

Vegetables and fruits

The Importance Of Fruit And Vegetable Juices In Nutrition

A man’s health is a very important aspect of his life. To say that “health is wealth” is not only to utter an old, used up mantra, but to mean that for most human beings, staying fit and healthy is parallel to being wealthy, for a person’s everyday life is influenced mainly by the state […]

Measuring weight loss on weight machine

Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Are you finding that you can’t lose weight, no matter how much you diet or exercise? For some people, there are legitimate medical conditions like thyroid problems causing this to happen. Others may simply need to make lifestyle changes to exercise more or eat different foods. Here are a few things to look for if […]

Strawberry shake

How Many Calories To Eat A Day

One of the main reasons why so many people have become overweight in the West is due to their eating too many calories. The consumption of more calories than are burned each day means that the body stores the extra calories as fat. The modern diet certainly allows a person to eat well beyond the […]

Woman adjusting medical scale for her needs

What’s 100 Calories A Day?

According to the American Dietetic Association, the difference between weight loss and weight gain can be as little as 100 calories a day. Most Americans suffer from ‘weight creep’ – those nagging pounds that creep on over the years – at an average of about 2 pounds per year. That’s 20 pounds in ten years. […]

knee pain

Approaches to Knee Pain Relief

You use your knees every time you walk, run, or move your lower body at all.     Knee pain, therefore, dramatically affects the daily life of sufferers, who must use their knees throughout the day.   Knee pain is the second only to back pain among American adult pain sufferers.   Knee trouble is […]

Shape legs

Shape Your Legs, Tone Your Butt and Build Strength in Your Hips

Shape your legs, tone your butt and build functional strength, with the Reverse Lunge. Lunges are an exceptional exercise for conditioning your lower body. They stress the muscles from a perfect angle to develop incredible shape and symmetry in your legs, thighs and butt.

ankle sprain

Ankle Sprain and Pain

It is very common to find the ankle joint afflicted by injuries and the most common form is sprain. Anatomically, various ligaments that are stretched or torn surround the ankle joint when it is forced to land in varied unnatural positions. This is of common occurrence during exercises, playing certain sports or accidentally.

Taking care of hands

Hand Massage: The Secret To Having Unimaginably Beautiful Hands

Most people are vain about their hands. This is because they are, aside from the face, what is apparent first and foremost to other people. It is likewise pleasant to see hands that are clean and white. Hands which are dirty and neglected are a disgrace and may cause people to form negative opinions about […]

Foot care exercise

Basic Foot Care Tips For Year Round Exposure

There’s nothing worse than having to take your shoes off and exposing rough cracked heels, corns, bunions and blisters. Our feet carry us many miles on a daily basis and they deserve special treatment after a long day. The following are a few basic tips to get your feet ready for year-round exposure and not […]

Winter Facial Skin Care Tips

Winter is here and the frost is not only nipping at your nose but the whole face. Fortunately, with a facial skin care routine that meets your exact skin care needs you can be on your way to healthy, radiant skin tone.